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Oddly enough, I was happy when Eddie returned. Anything but this agonizing wait in the cage with nothing but my thoughts of what had happened and what was still to come.

“Have you had some time to cool down?” Eddie asked as he walked straight toward the cage. He had a box with a red ribbon tied nicely in a bow on top of it. “I’ve brought you a present.”

He unlocked the cage and then walked over to the bed and placed the package on the bed. I remained still, unsure of what he wanted me to say or do.

“You can come out,” he said over his shoulder.

Wanting Eddie to see how serious I was on ‘behaving,’ I crawled out of the cage as quickly as I could and stood with my arms at my side awaiting his next command.

“Come open the present,” he said.

I walked over toward the bed, unsure why he would feel the need to buy me a present. I was his captive. Nothing but a woman in a cage. A gift didn’t fit this picture at all.

With shaky hands, I took hold of the ribbon and untied it. I could feel Eddie’s eyes on me watching my every move. Once the ribbon was undone, I lifted the lid of the box and looked inside, confused. I wasn’t exactly sure what I was staring at, though I had a pretty good idea that this gift of his was anything but something I would want.

“It’s time we get ready for a party I’m hosting this evening.” He took me by the arm and led me to the door. “I’m going to allow you go to the restroom one last time before we get you dressed.” He paused and turned me so I could stare directly into his eyes filled with intense warning.

My mind was blank. There wasn’t the slightest act of defiance inside of me. Not after having hours to think through every action I could make only to realize it would end with me pissing off Eddie and getting Dylan and myself killed. Hours of plotting and strategizing only to have the end result always come back to the word ‘behave.’

Once we returned back to the bedroom, I still was unclear about what the items in the box were. I had a pretty good idea, but my thoughts were far too wicked and filthy for what Eddie had in store. Surely he wouldn’t go to the extreme my abused and battered mind had gone to.

“Let’s get you dressed.” He led me back to the box.

“Where are my clothes?”


“How am I to get dressed then?”

He pointed to the box. “We have everything we’ll need in there.”

I didn’t need to look inside the box again because Eddie pulled out the first item for me to see. It was a furry white cat tail attached to a metal butt plug. I had seen pictures of sex toys, but had never had any experience with them. I had led a pretty vanilla life up until now and really couldn’t process what Eddie planned to do with the tail.

Or maybe I was in denial. Maybe I didn’t want to comprehend.

Or maybe… I did.

“We’re having a special party tonight for my colleagues and their pets,” Eddie said.

The word ‘pets’ had my eyes go wide and mouth open. My heart sped up at the thoughts of what he would say next—of what he would do next.

Eddie chuckled with a mischievous smirk. His brown eyes twinkled with little lines around them. He had an almost boyish charm if I didn’t know what a monster he was behind that charismatic face. “You look surprised.” He paused and studied my expression. All I could do was stand and focus on breathing enough so I wouldn’t pass out. “I’ll be bringing you as my pet, so we need to make sure you’re the most pampered and spoiled one there. I’m the Don of the Vasco family so my pet needs to be the most decorated one at the party.”

He reached in the box, pulled out a small bottle of lubrication, and opened it. Without pause, he squeezed some liquid onto the silver plug and began coating every inch.

Oh, Jesus. What was he doing? Why?

“This one’s large. Much larger than I’m sure your virgin ass can take comfortably.” He paused and looked at me with questioning eyes. “I’m assuming you have a virgin ass. Am I right?”

I nodded at his vulgar question.

“I figured as much,” he said. “But that’s about to change.”

“What are you going to do?” I swallowed hard and felt stupid for asking. Clearly, I knew what he planned on doing with that tail. Or at least I thought I did. Though the size of that plug looked far too big. There was no way it would fit inside of me. Virgin ass or not.

Tags: Alta Hensley Romance