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“Ever since I was ten years old and my mom took me to New York City for Fashion Week, all I’ve wanted was to have a show of my own. I doubt I’ll ever get to Fashion Week, but a show in New York City would be a dream come true.” I closed my eyes, picturing the models strutting down the runway in spectacular outfits I’d designed. “I think I fixated on it because that trip was the only time she took me somewhere just the two of us. I felt so special, getting dressed up and having her all to myself.”

He brushed a kiss against my forehead. “You aren’t close with your mom?”

“I wish,” I sighed, blinking a few times to try to stop the tears filling them as I thought about my relationship with my parents. “Don’t get me wrong, it’s not as though they neglected me. I grew up in a huge house with all the things any girl could wish for. Heck, we even had another house up at the nearest lake and another in Colorado for ski season. But it was my nanny who took me to and from school, made sure I had new shoes and clothes when I needed them, took me to doctor’s appointments, and spent most of my vacations with me. I know my parents love me even though it tends to be from a distance because they’re so busy with each other and building the family business.”

“No parent should ever be too busy for their children.” He gave me a gentle squeeze. “And their business couldn’t need that much attention if they have three fucking houses.”

I shrugged. “What can I say? For my parents, there’s no such thing as being too successful. Appearances are very important to them.”

“Now you have my family and me.” He traced his fingertip down my arm. “They’ll either show up on our doorstep shortly after I tell them about you, or they’ll have all the travel arrangements set for us to go to New York. My mom and sisters will want to spend so much time with you that it’ll drive me up the wall because I want you to myself, but maybe I can distract them with your dream of having a fashion show. They’re an unstoppable trio once they’ve set their minds to something. I bet they’ll be thrilled to help.”

Tane was handing me everything I’d ever wanted—a man who would always want to be by my side, a family who’d welcome me with open arms, and support for my dreams in fashion design. Even though he’d be thrilled to knock me up our first time, he hadn’t thought twice about waiting since that was what I wanted. I hadn’t been overexaggerating when I’d said he was perfect for me. We might’ve only met less than an hour ago, but I didn’t want to waste another second in moving forward with our life together. Luckily, my friends had already filled me in on most of the shifter mating details. Knowing what to expect—and seeing how happy they were with their mates—gave me the courage I needed to jump into this relationship when I normally would’ve been too scared to take the risk.

Throwing caution to the wind and acting completely out of character, I wiggled out of Tane’s embrace. He jerked upright and reached out for me, but then my hands went to the bottom of my shirt, and he realized why I’d moved away from him. His dark eyes filled with heat as he watched me lift my shirt over my head. My breasts felt swollen, and my pebbled nipples pressed against the delicate, white lace of my bra. His gaze dropped to my chest, and his tongue swiped out to lick his bottom lip. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous.”

“It’s a good thing you think so because you’re stuck with me forever,” I whispered as some of my boldness left me, and a blush swept across my cheeks and trailed down my neck.

Tane’s hand snaked out to wrap around the back of my neck. Holding me in place with a firm grasp as he pressed his forehead against mine and stared into my eyes, he growled, “You still have it all wrong, baby. If anything, you’re going to be stuck with me. I’m going to be territorial as hell when it comes to you, with my tiger urging me to mark your delicate skin over and over again to warn off any dumb fuck who even thinks of trying to get close.”

I knew he meant it as a warning, but I had no problem with what he was telling me. “That doesn’t sound bad to me.”



The scent of Calliope’s desire grew stronger, leaving me with no doubt that she was more than okay with being paired with a possessive mate. Considering what she’d told me about her childhood, it made sense that she’d find comfort in being with someone who wanted her so much that they were greedy for her attention. I was determined to shower her with so much love that she never doubted her importance to me. Starting right now.

Tags: Fiona Davenport Shifted Love Romance