Page 7 of Tempting

Like I’m betraying Kay.

But I’m not.

We can’t be anything.


I’m a million years older than her.

I’m her guardian.

Her caretaker.

And, fuck, as much as I’d like to say Mom was wrong, she wasn’t. I’m not the kind of guy who brings home the sweet, smart girl. Not unless she’s trying to piss off Daddy.

There’s no way I’m avoiding Kaylee now.

Which means I need to figure something else out. Some way to resist her that doesn’t involve locking myself in my room when she’s around.

I stare out the window, watching the waves crash into the sand. Same dark sky. Same silver moon. It’s comforting, but it doesn’t offer any clarity.

I want Kaylee.

I can’t have her.

Sheer willpower is still my only technique for resisting her.

Part of me hopes she hates me for this move thing.

It will be easier to stay away if she isn’t looking up at me with those sweet green eyes.

Giggling as she rests her head on my shoulder. How can you like action movies when you hate “sell out music”? Is anything more by the numbers than yet another Die Hard sequel?

Better to get this over with.

I pull out my cell and I text Kaylee.

Brendon: You okay?

Kaylee: About what you’d expect.

Brendon: I’m getting a key made for you. I’ll leave it at the front desk. You can pick it up whenever.

Kaylee: Thanks. I’ll stop by before work.

Brendon: You want to talk about it?

Kaylee: What’s there to say? My parents are moving across the country and they aren’t asking my opinion about it. I hated it when I was ten, and I hate it now. At least then they invited me to join.

Brendon: Would you move with them if they’d asked?

Kaylee: I don’t see how it matters.

Brendon: Your grandma okay?

Kaylee: No. But I’m not in the loop with the details. I have no idea if she has a few weeks left or a few years.

Brendon: I’m sorry she’s sick.

Kaylee: Thanks. This isn’t on you. You made a generous offer. I do get that. And I appreciate it. Really, Brendon. I do.

Brendon: It’s nothing.

Kaylee: It’s a lot. I just…

Brendon: Wanted to be consulted?

Kaylee: Want things to be different. But that too. I’m tired. I’m going to go to bed. I’ll see you tomorrow.

Brendon: Sweet dreams, Kay.

Kaylee: You too.

Chapter Five


The bell rings as Kaylee steps inside the shop.

She’s in her work outfit—dark jeans, a black button up shirt, black non-skid shoes.

She hugs her pink purse to her shoulder as her eyes flit around the room.

Ryan nods hello. Runs a hand through his shaggy brown hair.

She nods back. Smiles a polite I’m trying to act like everything is great smile.

The client sitting in his chair isn’t at all shy about giving Kaylee a long once over. His eyes are practically bugging out of his head.

My hand curls into a fist. It’s a reflex.

Nobody like him is getting anywhere near her.

“Hey Kaylee,” Ryan calls. “How are you?”

“Good. Thanks.” She presses her lips together. “I’ll just be a minute.”

He nods.

She crosses the room to my spot at the front desk.

Leighton is running late. My next appointment is in thirty minutes. So I’m working on a mock up here instead of in my chair.

The light is better here.

But there’s not enough privacy.

I need the space to think.

To let images flit through my mind and fit together.

Kaylee’s steps are soft but steady. “Hey. This… I know you’re only trying to help.”

I nod as I pull her spare key from my pocket and hand it over. I wouldn’t assign myself such charitable motivations, but I’m not going to argue with her. “You have a moving date in mind?”

“I’m off Monday.”

“I’ll meet you at your place at nine.”

“I’ll be okay on my own.”

“I know.”

“I don’t need your help.”

“Take it anyway.”

She tilts her head to one side. “Fine, but only because I’m running late and I’m not in the mood to argue.” She taps her fingers against the counter. “I… I guess I’ll see you… everywhere. Since I’m your new roommate.”

“It will be a good thing.”

She nods. “Eventually.”

I want to wrap my arms around her and refuse to let go.

That can’t happen.

Neither can a handshake or some equally painful brush off.

Kay and I hug. Period. I need to find a way to be okay with that.

I step out from behind the counter.

She leans in to the gesture.

It’s quick but tight.

And, fuck, I feel her everywhere.

I have to force myself to pull back. She’s a kid. You’re supposed to protect her. “You sleeping over tonight?”

“Maybe. Em’s trying to convince me to go out. But I think I’d rather crash at home.” Her eyes go to the clock. “Shit. I gotta go. I’ll see you soon.”

I nod goodbye.

Watch her ass sway as she walks away.

This time next week, Kaylee is going to live in the room down the hall.

I’m going to have to resist her twenty-four seven.

Tags: Crystal Kaswell Erotic