Page 15 of Tempting

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“Yeah, even worse than what those assassins did to John Wick’s dog.”

Fuck, it’s like she’s trying to drive me out of my mind.

Kay always joins me when I watch action movies on the couch. She spends the entire time hiding behind her hands or complaining about how everyone is quick to violence, or about how the plot is incomprehensible, but she keeps watching them.

She doesn’t like the movies.

She watches them to hang out with me.

Fuck, I’m not stupid.

I know she doesn’t like me as a brother or a parent or a friend.

“My parents bought this place before I was born. Mortgage is almost paid off. And it’s cheap. Based on the value from nearly thirty years ago.” And they had good life insurance. My dad was careful before he was anything else.

“How cheap?”

“I can cover it in a week of work, easy.”

“Oh. Good.” She presses her lips together. “You probably know already.”

I shake my head. The Harts didn’t explain much. They didn’t have to. I get it.

“They want to stay in Jersey. Permanently.”

That’s a knife in my chest. I can’t imagine how she feels.

I turn the car on and pull onto the street. “I’m sorry, Kay.”

“Thanks. I… I don’t know. I guess, if they gave me the choice, I probably would have stayed here. But I hate feeling like I’m not in control of my life. And I miss Grandma. She was my best friend when I was a kid. Still is.”

“You can stay as long as you want.”

“Yeah?” Her fingers skim my wrist. “That won’t get in the way of your… relationships?”

“My what?” I arch a brow.

“You used to date a lot. Not as much lately.”

Not for the last few months, give or take. Not since she found her way into my brain.

“I wouldn’t want you to feel… deprived.”


“You know what I mean.” There’s this tone to her voice. One I can’t place. “You’re a young guy. Prime of your life. I’m sure you want to be having fun.”

“You saying Ikea isn’t fun?”

“I don’t know. We aren’t there yet.” She leans back in her seat. “Do you still date?”


“Don’t friends talk about this kind of thing?”

Yeah, technically. Dean and Walker brag about their conquests. Ryan… well, everyone knows where Ryan stands. “Do you date?”

“Sometimes. You know Em and her double dates. You?”

I can’t tell her it’s been awhile. That will encourage her. But I’ve got to say something. “There’s a lot going on right now.”



“This just happened.”

“Manning is selling the shop.”

“Oh.” She runs her fingertips up my arm. “Brendon, I’m sorry. Will you have to go somewhere else?”

“Maybe. He’s offering it to us first. Any of us.”



“You only have a few years left on the mortgage. What’s a few more to be the proud owner of Inked Hearts?”

“It’s Emma’s house too.”

“You know she’d say yes.”

She would. She’s always wanted to run her own business. This would be perfect training wheels.

Which is why she can’t know.

I protect Emma from this kinda thing.

I’m not sacrificing her stability.

There’s got to be another way.

“I’ll think about it,” I say.

“Lies, lies, lies.” Kaylee laughs. “You’ve already decided.”

She knows me too well.

“Someone at the shop will tell Emma. You really want her finding out from Dean?”

She has a point. But I will find a way to do this without sacrificing Emma’s future. Period.

“How much cash do you have on hand?”

“Why? You pitching a business.”

She folds her arms. “Could you buy a quarter of the company?”

I nod.

“You could buy it together.”

I’ve thought about it. A lot, actually. I could stretch to cover half the company. But if anything happened, shit would be hard.

A quarter is safer.

Half of me is over the moon at the idea of owning Inked Hearts with the three guys who are essentially family. The other half is screaming hell no, I don’t want to be legally tied to those annoying assholes.

Either way, I don’t want her worrying. “I’ve got it under control.”

“You always do.”


There’s something in her voice.

Like she knows about my penchant for handcuffs and riding crops.

Dean has a big mouth.

She might know.

It’s not like I hide my tastes.

But there’s something in Kaylee’s eyes.

Something more than Dean told me this rumor.

I shake it off.

It doesn’t matter.

This trip is staying clean. Period. “How is your grandma?”

“I’m not sure, really. My parents aren’t giving me all the details. She seems okay. She texted me yesterday asking when I was going to write her another… never mind.”

“Another what?”

She shakes her head. “Nothing.”


“No… Nothing.”

“Tell me.”

“It’s embarrassing.” She leans in to turn the stereo on. It’s on the alternative station and it’s playing some pop-rock song. “Oh, I love this one.” She settles into her seat. Her eyes go to me. “Let me guess. Too polished for you?”

“It’s a crime, enjoying punk music?”

“It’s a little 1980s.”

“Arrest me.”

Her laugh dissolves the tension in the car. “Sure. But, really, Brendon, you seem more like the type to cuff someone.”

Tags: Crystal Kaswell Erotic