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“Here, let me help you.” I go to her aid and finish getting the rest of their stuff out of the backseat.

Mrs. Dunn is talking animatedly as we walk toward the house. I notice Hope and I are the only ones carrying anything. We both hang back and put some distance between us and her mother.

“Last night . . .” I begin.

Hope sighs. “You promised, Kellan.”

“I promised not to say anything, and I won’t, but I have to tell you, I don’t want it to be just one night, Hope.”

She stops dead in her tracks. Her mouth opens but closes suddenly when Hallie yells out for all the Hamptons to hear, “I’m getting married tomorrow!”



“I’m getting married tomorrow!”

The sound of Hallie’s scream echoes so loud I have no doubt the whole city can hear it. She rushes toward me, all decked out in her silver, sequin party dress with her blonde hair pulled high in a ball of curls. We spent the entire morning at the spa getting our nails, hair, and makeup done. We’ll be doing the same thing tomorrow before the wedding. All this pampering has to cost a fortune, but I haven’t had to pay for any of it.

Kellan steps away just as Hallie reaches for my arm and squeezes me. She looks over at Kellan and then back to me, her breaths coming out as pants from excitement. “I didn’t interrupt anything, did I?”

I quickly glance over at Kellan and he nods behind Hallie’s back, but I glare at him which only makes him smile. “Of course not,” I answer, daring Kellan to contradict me. His smile widens, but he turns his attention to the house, still holding those boxes my mother gave him.

Hallie notices the computer bag on my shoulder and sighs. “Seriously, Hope? You couldn’t leave that thing in Arizona for one weekend?”

Kellan peers down at the bag and lifts his brows. Rolling my eyes, I focus on Hallie. “This is a busy time for me. If I can squeeze in a few minutes of work, I’m going to do it.”

Hallie throws her hands in the air. “You’re supposed to have fun. The rehearsal’s tonight and tomorrow’s the wedding. I don’t want to see you on that thing.” Stewart’s mother walks out of the house and waves for Hallie to join her. Hallie gasps. “Oh, gotta go. Carol needs me for pictures.” She takes off, leaving me and Kellan alone again. I didn’t want her to go. Being alone with Kellan is dangerous. Last night was amazing, but I can’t let it happen again. Do I want it to? Of course, I do. Being with him last night reminded me of everything I’m missing. Who wouldn’t want to be with a man like Kellan? He’s ruggedly handsome, sweet, funny, and an all-out great guy. I’m already enjoying his simple touches way too much.

“No comment on what I said before we were interrupted?” he asks, smirking mischievously.

We’re almost to the door and my mother is just inside. I have no clue what to say. Before I can even reply, my mother walks out and takes one of the boxes from Kellan. “Come with me, young man. I’ll show you where these go.”

Kellan smiles and starts to follow her but lowers his voice as he walks by me. “We’re not done talking, Hope.”

For now, we are, and I breathe a sigh of relief. He wants more than just last night, but what do I want? Well, I don’t want to want things I can’t have. Yes, Kellan was mine last night, and yes, he wants more, but I don’t know if I can give that to him. At least, not without losing a piece of myself in the process. One night is fine, but two? I’m already in the danger zone of losing my heart. I can’t afford that right now, not when I’m only in town for the weekend.

Kellan disappears inside the house and I walk in, completely in awe of the splendor. I set the box of wedding favors on one of the foyer tables and look around. There are flowers all in the main entryway and living room, making the whole place look like a garden. Everywhere you look, something shimmers and sparkles. Stewart’s mother has an extreme fascination with Swarovski crystals. The lamps, chandeliers, table trinkets, you name it. I bet she has over a million dollars’ worth of crystals in the living room alone. The last time I was here was the summer before college when Stewart had us all over to hang out. Kellan had his girlfriend with him, Hallie had Stewart, and the rest of Stewart’s friends were by the pool with me and Hannah. Those were good times.

There are people milling about, mostly the caterers as they set up the large dining room for the rehearsal dinner. I can smell the food and it makes my stomach growl. After last night with Kellan, it’s definitely made me have an appetite. I don’t think I’ve burnt that many calories in a long time.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin The Dating Romance