Page 34 of Rebel's Bargain

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Good. She’d hate to be the only one feeling needy.

‘Orsino?’ Poppy paused, letting her mouth form a musing pout and feeling a pulse of satisfaction at his distracted stare. She moved closer, wondering if it would be too obvious if she slicked her tongue over her mouth.

Why not? Tentatively she swiped the tip of her tongue over her lower lip. His jaw tightened and cords of tension appeared in his neck.

It was deliciously empowering, knowing Orsino was as vulnerable to her as she was to him.

She told herself that was all she wanted: a purely physical relationship. So where her next words came from she didn’t know.

‘I couldn’t help overhearing. Is there some problem with your computer?’

Orsino’s face was blank, only his eyes were alive, fixed on her mouth with an intensity that sent arousal glissading through her.

‘Orsino? Have I got lipstick on my teeth?’

‘No.’ His voice was a scraping bass note that made her skin prickle and her nipples tighten. ‘You have the sexiest mouth I’ve ever seen. I can’t get enough of it.’

Poppy blinked, stunned at his admission. Generous lover though he was, he rarely hinted at the depth of his passion. He let his body do that.

‘In that case—’ she drew an unsteady breath ‘—I’ll make sure you get all you want.’ Poppy stepped in, skimmed a light kiss across his lips then moved away, her eyes drifting deliberately down his tense body. It trembled beneath her gaze and she smiled.

Oh, yes, she did enjoy the pure no-holds-barred physicality of this new relationship.

‘Witch.’ His voice was husky. The fine hairs along her neck and arms rose in response.

She arched her eyebrows. ‘You enjoy it. You know you do.’

His mouth tugged up at one side, a long dimple cleaving his cheek. It was Poppy’s turn to stare, transfixed by the masculine potency of that smile. She cleared her throat. ‘Your laptop. Is it damaged? I heard something fall.’

Orsino stepped back, arms folding over his chest.

‘No. I walked into a side table. My vision’s still not right.’

‘Give it time,’ she found herself urging. ‘You always were impatient.’

His eyes narrowed and she wondered if he’d accuse her of overstepping some imaginary line. Instead he nodded, one hand plunging through his hair again, leaving it rumpled and effortlessly sexy.

‘So everyone says.’

‘Bettina, too?’

‘You heard?’ For a moment she wondered if his brows would descend in a scowl because she’d eavesdropped. Instead he shrugged. ‘The woman has the patience of Job. She has to have, working with me. She can’t see why I’m not the same.’

‘She’s your secretary?’ Bubbles of something—relief?—fizzed in Poppy’s bloodstream. Not another woman then.

He nodded. ‘Though for how much longer if I can’t pull my act together, I don’t know.’

‘It can’t be that bad, surely.’ Organising one of Orsino’s mountaineering trips would take effort but surely it wasn’t that complicated.

His mouth flattened as his hand slid down to scrub the back of his neck. ‘It is when I can’t read vital documents and decisions need to be made.’

‘Can I help?’

The words were out before she realised it. They took him by surprise too, given the look on his face.

‘Help?’ He made it sound like a foreign word.

‘With the laptop. If you’re having trouble opening the document …’

He shook his head. ‘Oh, I can open it. For an inveterate adventure seeker I’m surprisingly techno-savvy.’ His lips quirked up in a dry half smile. ‘The trouble is my vision.’ His voice faded on the last word as if it was something he didn’t want to admit. Despite herself, Poppy felt something clutch inside her at that unexpected evidence of his vulnerability.

He’d always hated admitting weakness. The fact that he shared this now seemed ridiculously important. She told herself she was imagining things and forced herself to focus.

‘Would you like me to read it to you?’

His hand dropped to his side and his brows arrowed in a frown.

‘That would be …’ Abruptly he shook his head. ‘Thank you. But no. It’s a big document, a spreadsheet, not an email.’

Curiouser and curiouser. What sort of spreadsheets would Orsino need?

Then the reason for his hesitation hit her. It probably detailed his impressive income and investment portfolio.

Who would want to share that with his soon-to-be-ex-wife just prior to their divorce?

Poppy waved her hand. ‘It was just a thought. Don’t worry about it.’

Tags: Annie West Billionaire Romance