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The hungry caress of his mouth devouring hers, the splay-fingered possessiveness of his hold, the exciting sensations as his body pressed, rubbed against hers: each one was enough to rob her of coherent thought.

His hair was the only soft thing about him; even his lips, his tongue, demanded. In response raw hunger exploded inside her. Hunger for more caresses, more sensation, more of him.

Blood rushed in her ears so she couldn’t make out what he said, only the fact that he muttered something, the words reverberating in her mouth.

He hauled her up higher as he straightened. Yet he didn’t break their kiss as he paced across the room, holding her tucked in close against him. Something bumped the backs of her legs and then she was falling, still held tight in his embrace. She landed on a mattress and for a moment Stavros’ body pressed down on her. Then he rolled, drawing her with him, so they lay on their sides.

She gulped in a single deep lungful of air before his mouth was on hers again, ravaging, insistent. She opened for him and immediately the waters closed over her head, sucking her down into a flood-tide of desire.

One hand wrapped round her, holding her close while the other slipped down her back, closing over her buttock so she instinctively drew forward, against the hard length of his erection. She gasped and the sound was swallowed in his throat. He pulled her closer, intimately close, as he thrust his lower body against her.

She’d never felt this urgent need, like a drug in her blood, deafening any call to sanity, making her utterly reckless in response to the urgings of her body and the pure temptation of his.

She rocked against him, hips against hips, and again she heard it, that deep, throbbing sound in his throat, halfway between a growl and a purr.

Stavros gripped hard at her hip then slid his hand to her waist. His fingers on the bare flesh under her shirt were large and heavy and exciting. Her ancient cotton shirt was in the way as he explored higher. With a grunt of satisfaction he ripped it aside, tearing away buttons and fabric so he could cup her breast.


Tessa sighed, the last of her rigid tension dissolving as even her bones seemed to liquefy.

If he could do this to her with the touch of one hand, the weighted caress of his palm, the not-so-gentle tweak of her nipple that made her whole body jolt in response…

Dimly Tessa realised she was passing the boundaries of previous experience.

And never had she wanted anything more than the heady sensations of him touching her, pleasing her.

His hand slipped around her back and she sighed as he yanked her bra undone, bending her arm to pull it aside. For then those long fingers were on her flesh, circling, squeezing, till the fire low in her body sent incendiary flares right through her and she thought nothing would ever quench the heat.

‘More,’ she breathed against his lips, as her own hands insinuated themselves between their locked bodies. She fumbled with his tie, then gave up, homing in on the precise line of buttons marching down his chest. He pulled back, just enough for her to work the buttons free.

He muttered something gruff in the back of his throat as she pushed her hands into the opening she’d made.

Bliss! His skin was hot, smooth, enticing with its fuzz of hair tickling her palms.

She wanted to feel it against her bare breasts.

He pulled her to him and her eyes closed at the dazzle of pleasure erupting within her. Her breasts against the solid masculine muscle of his chest. The heat and power and sheer erotic invitation as their bodies met. The teasing, stimulating feel of his body hair against her nipples.

She sucked in a breath, overcome by the barrage of feelings. Of desire.

Again his mouth took hers and now the urgency between them heightened to frantic. He leaned over, pressing her deep into the mattress, and she explored his bare skin beneath his open shirt. Her hands lingered on the powerful bulge of muscles she discovered, revelling in the sense of so much physical strength focused on her.

Stavros was busy with the fastening of her jeans, the zip, tugging the denim down her thighs just enough to slide his palm down and cover the feminine mound between her legs.

Tessa’s body jolted as darts of pleasure arced out from his touch to every part of her body. She stiffened, barely breathing, registering the feel of his long fingers against her.

Her gasp of pleasure was barely audible as he delved his tongue deeper into her mouth.

Restlessly she moved against his touch as it slid down to probe slowly, deeply.


His mouth on hers stifled speech as Tessa spun out of control beneath his sexy body and his deliberately, unashamedly erotic exploration.

She tried to widen her legs, to allow him more access, but the jeans were tight around the tops of her thighs. That only heightened the urgency of her reaction, the burgeoning need to open herself to him.

Tags: Annie West Billionaire Romance