Page 52 of Answering Atlas

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Cara laughs. “He really is meant for you.”

“I’ll keep him.” I smile.

“You’ll be an old lady yet.”

I arch my brow. “My career says hell no to that.”

“Sometimes these things just happen.”

“Maybe you’ll follow Con’s route and get preggers.”

“Bite your tongue. You’re older—you should be having a baby before me. I’d like to test the waters of being an aunty first before I commit to being a mother,” I say, smiling when my phone beeps with a text.

Atlas: Miss you. Can I come over tonight?

I hide my phone when Cara tries to peer at the screen. “What did he say?”

“He misses me and wants to come over later,” I say, placing my phone back down and looking up at my sister. “Do you think Aries likes me? I don’t want him to feel like I’m stealing his brother from him. I know they still spend time together at work and stuff, but I think they used to be around each other twenty-four/seven.”

“I don’t know. Has Atlas said anything? I never thought about that,” she mutters, brow furrowing. “Those two are very close.”

“He hasn’t said anything about it, but maybe I should bring it up. Aries has to like me if this is going to work. It would be like if you didn’t like Atlas, but times ten because they are twins.”

“Why wouldn’t he like you, though? You’re a catch,” she huffs, drinking more wine.

“Because it might seem like I’m taking Atlas away from him, which I would never do. Maybe I should invite Aries around here next time too, so he feels included. I mean, he’s a part of the family, too.”

“Invite him around here,” my sister replies, winking at me. “I’m sure he’d like that. I want to hear everything.”

“I’m sure you would.”

“I’d also just like to point out that you called him a part of the family, yet can’t even tell me if you and Atlas are officially dating or not. I mean, that pretty much answers my question, doesn’t it?” she asks, smirking.

I take a deep breath. “I would say we are, but we haven’t officially discussed it. I’m sure he would be pissed if I dated anyone else, and vice versa, so that’s pretty much it. Are you happy now?”

“I do like labels,” she says, laughing. “I’m still trying to get over the fact that my baby sister ended up with a biker and I didn’t. You’ve been saying you’d never do that since you were like...thirteen.”

“I know,” I admit, smiling to myself. “But sometimes you can’t control these things no matter how hard you try.”

“Don’t I know it. Have I told you how much I love having you here? I love these talks, our little nights we get to spend together. I’m so glad you moved,” she says, brown eyes soft. “I feel like we’re getting closer every day.”

“Me, too,” I agree. “I have no regrets moving here.”

“Good. Now, are you seeing Atlas tonight or what?”

I pick up my phone again, forgetting that I haven’t responded. “Yeah, when you go home, I’ll tell him to come over.”

She grins and tucks her hair back behind her ear. “Not inviting Aries over, too?”

I throw a grape at her.

After talking more shit for half an hour I walk her to her car, frowning when I notice her passenger window has been broken, the glass shattered everywhere.

“Cara, did you have an accident and not tell me?” I ask.

“No, why?” she asks, coming around me to inspect her car. “What the hell?”

“It looks like someone threw something at the window,” I say, frowning. “Why would they do that?” I glance inside the car, and there’s a brick on the seat. “Yeah, that would do it.”

Tags: Chantal Fernando Romance