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‘Can’t it wait an hour?’ she asked.

‘I promised him the money yesterday, youknowthat.’

Shaun’s frustration was increasingly obvious. The last thing she wanted was him walking out. This marriage would secure Lily’s future and shehadto trust Shaun to follow through. He’d been through the same system so he knew how important this was. But neither of them looked like they were about to marry. Neither exactly happy and blushing.

‘Okay.’ She nodded. ‘I’ll do it now.’

At least the task would stop her from dwelling on Elias. She leaned against the wall and pulled up her banking app, telling herself it was going to be okay. Yes, Shaun had faced hard times and, yes, he’d made mistakes, but he was pushing to do his best. And they’d be leaving here as husband and wife. What was hers was his and vice versa. She’d be doing the accounts for his new business and thanks to her time working for Elias, she actually understood all that stuff. It only took a few taps to transfer the money.

‘All done.’ She nodded at Shaun. ‘It should be there now.’

‘Great.’ He pulled out his phone and walked farther along the corridor from her. ‘I’ll let him know the money’s on its way.’

‘We only have a few minutes,’ Darcie called after him.

He nodded distractedly and turned away, already holding the phone to his ear.


Her heart stopped. Was she hearing things?


She turned towards the entrance. Elias Greyson was all imposing height and anger, striding in her direction in the manner of some vengeful warlord from medieval times who was coming her wrist?

Darcie was so shocked she froze. Never, in the almost three years she’d known him, had they touched. Not even to shake hands at her initial employment interview. And now he had her wrist firmly in his hand and it didn’t seem as if he was about to let go.

‘What the hell is this about a wedding?’ he whispered furiously as he lifted her arm and inspected her fingers. ‘No engagement ring,’ he added accusingly. ‘You’veneverworn one. Not ever.’ His blue eyes sparked at her.

Her heart pounded. He’d noticed that?

‘Not everyone is hung up on accumulating material possessions,’ she muttered, horribly breathless.

‘He’s too cheap?’

Her jaw dropped.

‘You cannot be serious.’ His grip tightened and sparks shot up Darcie’s arm. ‘You’re really getting married?’


‘Here?’ He shot a cursory, dismissive glance at the faded paintwork in the stale institutional building.

Darcie took the chance to glance down the corridor at Shaun. He was still on his call but had turned and was watching them with wide eyes. As she looked back she saw other people in the waiting room were staring at them, too. But then everyone stared at Elias. He was taller than most, impeccably dressed in that crisply tailored suit that cost more than most people’s monthly wages, and had that air about him that commanded attention—efficiency, capability, authority. Naturally he didn’t notice they were watching, and if he had he wouldn’t care. He was so used to it he was apparently immune to any kind of self-consciousness.

‘Yes.’ She drew a breath.

‘Wearing that?’ He looked incensed.

She flinched at the horribly judgemental tone. Elias had never once commented on what she wore and the first time he did it was slung as an insult? She glared right into his beautiful, arrogant eyes, too angry to hold anything back. ‘What does it matter to you what I’m wearing? Why are you even here?’

‘Why do you think?’

‘Because I’m taking my last week as leave?’ She furiously goaded him. ‘Didn’t you like that? Was it a surprise? Can you really not cope with my not dancing to your tune foroneday?’

‘It hasnothingto do with that.’

Suddenly he was too close—towering over her and still holding her wrist and near enough for her to feel not just his heat or his strength but his fury. Elias didn’t get furious. Elias, as far as Darcie knew, didn’t feel anything particularly strongly. Other than the unquenchable desire to build his business. But now she was unaware of anyone or anything else other than the intense link suddenly forming between them—not the feel of his fingers on her skin, but the searing pulse of raw emotion. It was as if the veneer of civilisation she’d cemented her soul in for so long had been shredded and the danger buried in there was exposed. The danger she’d almost successfully avoided for so long—bar that one lapse. But now, with his touch, with his taunt, her control was torn.

Tags: Natalie Anderson Billionaire Romance