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Exotic birds sing to us as we arrive at a knee-deep crystal-clear river. Frogs chirp from the rocks and jump into the water, darting away whenever we get too close.

There are no human footprints here. It’s all nature. Lizards bask on rocks and schools of vibrant fish swim by.

“Look! A turtle!” Molly says with an excited squeal as she points to the little guy swimming away from us.

We continue past giant ferns and vines that wrap around trees, stretching toward the sky. I’m worried that Molly has no shoes, but the ground on this island is pretty ideal for bare feet. It’s soft and spongy underfoot with only a few fallen leaves and twigs creating a natural mulch.

We arrive at a freshwater lagoon and my food worries disappear completely when I see all the fish swimming in it. The water is so clear that you can see everything inside. Big fat juicy fish swim right up to where we’re standing on the rock and look up at us curiously.

This girl won’t go hungry. I’ll be able to keep her well-fed.

“Hi, guys!” Molly says as she leans down and smiles at them. “We’re your new neighbors.”

I smile as I watch her reach out and put her fingers in the water.

One of the braver fish swims up to it and nibbles it before darting away. She yanks her hand back with a giggle and I fall a little deeper in love.

“We don’t even need a fishing rod,” I say as I watch them circling back. “We can pretty much grab them out of the water.”

“Awww,” she says with a pouty face. “I don’t want to eat my new friends.”

We’re definitely eating those fish. I’m not about to argue with her now, but if I have to choose between killing some fish or watching her starve, there’s no question as to what I’m going to do.

“Then let’s go see what else this island has for us.” I offer my hand to help her up.

She pretends not to notice and stands up on her own.

I guess these strong feelings are one-sided. I can’t blame her for that… She did just watch me kill a plane full of people less than an hour ago.

We continue through the jungle and as I’m inspecting some vines that we can use as rope, Molly lets out an excited squeal.

“What is it?” I ask, whipping my head around.

“Mangoes!” she screams. “I love mangoes!”

She runs over and picks a ripe one off the ground. Her brown eyes get comically large as she rips it open with her fingers.

I’m starving and thirsty from the heat, the adrenaline-packed hour, and all the swimming, but I hold back, just watching her as she bites into it with a moan.

She’s so sexy. Mango juice runs over her luscious lips and drips down her chin as she closes her eyes, moaning in ecstasy. It’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.

I have to tear my eyes away or I’ll get rock-hard in front of her. I’m only wearing my boxer briefs and there will be no hiding my erection if it decides to make a sudden appearance.

“This is sooooo good,” she says as she dives back into it. “You want one?”

She picks one up off the ground and my eyes dart over to her. My jacket rises up her back, showing off her ass for a split second. That white lacy underwear… fucking hell. It’s see-through and not hiding much. I wish I left my fucking jacket on the plane. Damn it. What was I thinking?

Her hands are all sticky from the juice as she offers me a big bright yellow mango. I’d rather lick them up instead, but I take the mango and thank her.

“These are good,” I say as I rip it apart and chew on the juicy chunks.

“Right?” she says, nodding with a big smile as she bites into it again.

With her hands on the fruit, my jacket falls open. I swallow hard as I glance at her beautiful body. Just a sliver is visible, but it’s enough to make my body ache with lust. The middle of her white lacy bra, the tempting curve of her cleavage, her soft stomach with her sexy belly button, and her panties… fucking hell, her panties…

My chest flutters as I look at her lacy panties with her strip of dark pubic hair peeking through… The way they hug her soft little mound… Her supple thighs…

Fuck, I just want to bury my head down there and devour her like she’s devouring that mango. I’d cover my ravenous mouth with her juices and lick her until every creature on this damn island is tired of her lustful screams.

She takes a deep breath and tosses the mango pit on the ground. Her shoulders drop and she goes very still.

“What’s wrong?” I ask as I step toward her.

Tags: Olivia T. Turner Billionaire Romance