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“I did,” Gage answers.

Koby scoffs. “Bullshit. One of the fighters at the shack told me about it.” Gage tries to cut in but Koby pushes on. “G said not to do it but I wouldn’t listen. I don’t conform to the same rules as your family.” Bishop’s gaze darkens and I find myself moving forward ready to stop Bish if he lashes out. Ally moves to stand by King and Kiara tries to gain Bishop’s attention, but he’s in Don mode and won’t be distracted by anything.

Bish flicks his gaze to me. “You knew about her fighting?” I cut my gaze to Koby as I answer Bish.

“Yeah, I told Gage to set it up.”


What the hell?

Knight stands here staring at me while lying to his brother. He had no fucking idea about the fights! I can see the anger in his eyes, it’s like they darken the longer he stares at me. All I need is the money from this fight and two more then I can go. I will never have to see them again. Dimitri and I will finally be free andtheirsacrifice will be worth it.

“Bullshit!” King snarls as he turns to his younger brother. “Don’t fucking lie to cover either of their asses.” Knight’s face remains void of emotion as he slowly looks to King.

“I’m not lying. I wanted her to get her ass beat.” I hear Kiara snort beside me.

“Knight, there is no way you wanted that.” It annoys me that Kiara speaks as if she knows Knight well. Allison has told me they grew up together. I can see from the way he shields himself from the others that no one really knows therealKnight. He allows his family to see what he wants them to but nothing more.

“How can you be so sure, Kiara?” The bite in his tone is clear. I hear Bishop grunt behind me in disapproval.

“Because if you wanted her hurt, you would have left her there and not brought her back.” I stare at Knight, slightly taken back by Kiara’s words. His eyes narrow on me.

“That’s because if anyone is going to kill her, it’s going to be me!” He storms out of the room without another word. I’m not used to caring about someone other than Dimitri, so the feelings I have toward Knight scare the shit out of me. He thinks I don’t know that he lurks in the woods by the guest house or that he follows me wherever I go. I was trained from the age of two to fight and kill. I know how to track and I also know how to spot a tail. This mafia heir needs to learn a few things if he wishes to catch me by surprise.

“Go back to the guest house, the doctor will see you there.” I turn back to Bishop and narrow my eyes.

“I don’t need a doctor,” I grit out before turning to Gage. “Walk me back.” It isn’t a question. Gage follows without argument, neither of us speak a word until we are away from the house and half way across the yard. The living room light is on inside the guest house. Dimitri leaves it on for me when he goes to bed. A whoosh of air escapes me, I don’t know what Anya was thinking sending Dimitri with me. I’m so tired of all the lies and the secrets. I speak so many lies that I don’t even know how to tell the truth anymore. I know the Murdoch’s think they know who I am but they honestly have no fucking idea. I’m not someone special or even someone worth their time. I’m only here because I need to keep Dimitri safe. It’s a vow I swore and I will never break it.

“Want to tell me what’s going on between you and the dark Knight?” I stop walking and face Gage. I won’t lie, he is ruggedly handsome and a really good guy. From what I have seen he is good friends with both Allison and Kiara. He offered to train Dimitri as well. D isn’t like us, he doesn’t deal well with crowds or… people in general.

“There is nothing going on––” The dry stare Gage gives me has me clamping my mouth shut.

“I’ve known Knight a while. I’ve known all of these assholes a long time.”

I roll my eyes. “That’s because they are your brothers!”

“That isn’t the reason, Koby. I’m the bastard of this family. The only people who know my relationship to them are all here. Did you think just because my asshole daddy is rich that I got to go to private schools and not have a care in the world?” He doesn’t give me a chance to answer. “I fought for every fucking thing I have. Some stupid ass part of me can’t seem to walk away from the assholes though.” I hear the anguish in his voice. I reach out and grip his hand in mine. I’m not used to comforting people, I never really have, so I hope I’m doing it right.

“You’re a good guy, that’s why you stay. Hell, you’re the only person here, aside from Kiara and Ally, that is actually nice to me. I like you so that has to count.” A small smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. He waggles his brows at me causing a groan of annoyance to slip free of my lips.

“Youlikelike me, don’t ya, babe?” I close my eyes and lean my head back to pray to whoever the fuck is listening to give me strength.

“You fucking him?” At the sound of his angry voice I stand straighter and look directly at him. Knight stands there shrouded in the darkness of the bushes glaring at me.

“Bro, it isn’t like that––” Knight cuts his angry glare to Gage, silencing him.

“Get the fuck out of here now.” Gage turns to me, the look he gives tells me if I say no, he will stay and weather whatever punishment follows from Knight.

“You should go, he won’t do anything.” I ignore the growl that comes from Knight as I focus on Gage. He nods and squeezes my hand before letting it go.

“You need anything just call.” I nod my thanks and watch him walk away. The pounding in my head intensifies as I turn back to face Knight. He moves out of the shadows and stalks toward me. His eyes blaze with rage sending a shiver of dread down my spine. He doesn’t stop until there is but a sliver of space between us. I have to crane my head back to meet his gaze, his chest rising and falling in rapid pants.

“You’re not fucking calling him!” he grits out through clenched teeth. I’m too tired and in way too much pain to hash this argument out with him.

“Okay,” is all I say as I turn and head toward the guest house. I close and lock the door behind me heading straight for the bathroom that is attached to the room I stay in. I turn the faucet on and strip off my clothes, dumping them in the hamper before stepping under the spray. A hiss escapes me as the water hits the cut on the back of my head. I look down at the drain and cringe when I see the water is tinted red from my blood. I grab some shampoo and gently rub it into my hair gritting my teeth through the sting, that fucking bitch blind shot me!

Once I finish washing myself I step out of the shower and wrap my long hair in a towel before drying my body with another. Wrapping the towel around myself I head into my room and freeze at the sight of Knight sitting on the end of my bed. His forearms rest on the tops of his thighs, his head is hung low with his hood up shielding his face from me.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance