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“Then you should know where the fuck she is, dude!” Gage snaps. I stalk toward him but slam to a halt when Kiara darts in front of him. Bishop glares at me in warning. If I hurt his fiancée in the process of getting to Gage, he’ll beat my ass for it.

“Someone want to share what the fuck is going on here?” King asks as he looks between me and Gage.

“Where the fuck is Koby you fuck-bag!” I shout. Gage’s brows furrow and he looks genuinely confused for a moment before his eyes widen and he darts his gaze around the kitchen.

“Where the hell is Rook?” he asks.

“What does Rook have to do with this?” Bishop demands, but I ignore him as I focus on Gage and ask.


“If it wasn’t you at the gym picking her up then that means your twin brother played both her and me.” Now my eyes widen and dread pools in the pit of my stomach. Fuck, what have you done bother? I spin, preparing to go in search of my brother and Koby but King grips my arm, yanking me back. I smack his hand away, which only causes to piss him off. He gets right in my face. I don’t back down, holding my ground as I meet his heated stare.

“You are not going off halfcocked. We’ll go with you but you need to calm the fuck down!” I stare at him for a beat slightly shocked, after everything I have done to him, he still wants to…help me.

“Why?” A small smile tugs at his lips, placing a hand on my shoulder as he says,

“Because you’re my brother, dumbass. Now let’s go find your twin so I can beat his dumbass.” I nod unable to speak past the growing lump in my throat.

“Wait, why did Rook take Koby? Can she not tell you both a part?” I peer at Kiara over King’s shoulder, her question giving me pause. What if Koby isn’t able to tell Rook and I apart? Is he trying to test her to see if she will fuck him? The thought of my twin burying his cock insidemygirl has my blood boiling. Only I can fuck with Koby, no one else. If she turns out to be a spy, then I’ll deal with it. The thought of hurting her has my stomach churning, I have no problem cutting any fucker but the thought of spilling her blood… makes me feel sick.

“I don’t know if she would be able to, not how he was dressed.” I step away from King and look to Gage.

“What does that mean?”

He shrugs his shoulders before answering. “He was dressed likeyou. Woreyourclothes and kept the hood over his head the whole time. He stuck to the shadows and Evan even sawyourcar in the parking lot. He knew what he was doing and was actively trying to be you, Knight, but why?” I open my mouth to answer but clamp it shut. I actually have no fucking idea why my brother would do this.

“He wants information from her and thinks your mind is clouded because you’re fucking her.” My gaze swings to my oldest brother. I want to rebuke his claim. The knowing look in his eyes tells me I haven’t been as discreet about fucking her as I thought.

“My mind isn’t clouded,” I defend as I hold Bishop’s gaze. “I’ve been looking into her but I can’t find the link between her and this fucking Vlad cunt.”

“You can’t keep her, Knight. She is the enemy.” I grind my teeth so hard they begin to ache. Bishop may be the Don of this family but he can’t fucking tell me who I can and can’t fuck.

“Fuck you, Bishop. I know what I’m doing––”

“No, you fucking don’t! You think your fucking slick but believe me, little brother, you aren’t!”

“You don’t know shit,” I yell. Bishop raises a single brow as he runs his gaze over my face.

“You think I don’t know you’re the one that blocked Luka from hacking the Russian’s server, or that you are the one who wiped all the records of Koby from my computer? I also know you are the one who rushed the adoption and birth certificate for King so he didn’t have to jump through hoops to prove shit.” I feel King’s gaze boring into the side of my head but I don’t say shit, what’s the point. Bishop clearly knows I’m the one who has been pulling dirt and hiding shit from him.

“Why am I still alive then?” I say, barely above a whisper. Bishop being the bastard that he is, never breaks his poker face.

“Your blood of my blood, Knight. I would never kill you over something so trivial as this. In your own way I know you were only trying to help. Let me be clear on something though.” I keep my gaze on him as he closes the space between us. “If that girl turns out to be a mole for them, I’ll kill her before you even think to run with her.” I hear the truth in his words. He would never allow Koby to live if she is a threat to my family and I wouldn’t allow that either.

“Boss!” We all turn at the sound of Luka’s panicked voice. He races through the front door, red faced and wide eyed. “We need to go now!” Bishop eliminates the space between him and Luka.

“What the fuck happened?” Bish growls.

“The docks, there was a shipment and everything went south. We watched them like you said but then––” He clamps his mouth closed when he spots me behind Bishop, his eyes widen. “Oh shit.” That’s it, I push past Bishop and grip Luka by his shirt slamming him against the wall and getting in his face.

“What the fuck do you know that we don’t?” I feel the others crowd around but they don’t intervene. Luka doesn’t seem scared or even angry just… sad.

“You need to get to the docks, Knight. The Russian’s showed up out of nowhere… I thought he was you because Koby was there!” I drop my hold on him as my blood begins to freeze inside me. “The Russian’s shot Rook.”

The world around me stops, everything inside me dies, just like my twin did.


Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance