Page 37 of Mafia and Angel

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I wondered if this had always been the arrangement for meals even when their mother had been alive. My own family had usually dined more informally, and our dining room had always had a much warmer, more comfortable ambience.

When Adelina came in to clear the plates, I said to the children that they could go and play in the den next door while I spoke with the housekeeper.

“Adelina, leave those dishes for now. I’ve decided to take down these heavy drapes. Could you help me please?”

Her brow furrowed in confusion. “You want to remove the drapes?”

“Yes, they’re far too heavy for the room, blocking out the light and making the room look gloomy.”

Adelina hesitated. “I don’t think Mr. Lorenzo would approve.”

“He told me to make sure the children eat. Clara hardly ate anything last night or this morning, so something has to change. Don't worry about Lorenzo. I'll explain and let him know that it was all my idea. He won't blame you.”

She looked reluctant, but I was now mistress of the house and she knew that she had to follow my requests.

It took the two of us a good thirty minutes to take down the drapes and carefully fold them.

“There,” I said, standing back when we had finished. “Doesn't it look so much better?”

Adelina still looked doubtful, but I thought it a big improvement. Now the morning sunshine streamed into the room and lit up the pretty yellow walls, giving a much warmer feel to the place.

“Now that the curtains aren't in the way, we can also open the door to the garden on nice mornings.” I knew there wasn’t much I could do about the formal dining table, but I was sure that I could think of some other improvements.

Adelina saw to putting the drapes away while I went to the den to see the children.

Now that breakfast was over, I wondered how I was supposed to fill my day with the children. I knew that I also had to get Clara to put on clean clothes, but I decided I would need to get her to trust me a little before attempting that—if her father hadn’t been able to convince her, then I would have my work cut out for me too.



The children had switched on the TV in the den and were watching a cartoon.

“How do you usually like to spend your days?” I asked them both.

Neither child replied, their gazes fixed on the screen in front of them.

I bit my lower lip, wondering what we should do. “I still need to unpack everything for my cat, Wilbur, so perhaps you could help me with that?”

There hadn’t been time to introduce Wilbur to them last night, and the mention of my cat caught their attention.

I collected the boxes and brought them into the den. Then I went to the kitchen and scooping up Wilbur into my arms, I brought him to meet the children.

Clemente giggled when he saw Wilbur, running over. “Cat!” he shouted. Clara’s brown eyes grew big in wonderment, although she hung back, still unsure.

“Don’t worry, he won’t hurt you. He’s very gentle.” I showed Clemente how to stroke his fur. “Would you like a go too, Clara?”

But she shook her head as she continued staring at him.

“Maybe you’d like to help me unpack his things?”

Clara thought about this and then nodded. “Okay,” she whispered.

Clemente, Clara, and I started taking things out of the boxes. There were cat beds, blankets, toys, a scratching post, more cat food, and lots of other things.

Clemente happily rummaged through the items, interested in all the new things, while Clara picked up one of the brushes I had for Wilbur and looked at it intently.

“That's for brushing Wilbur’s fur,” I explained.

Tags: Isa Oliver Romance