Page 30 of Mafia and Angel

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That fucking cat’s face was staring right at me—and he had what could only be described as a self-satisfied grin in the photo.

Sitting up quickly, I snatched up the framed photo of Wilbur and slammed it facedown onto the nightstand. First thing tomorrow morning, I thought, I would shift it to her side of the bed.

Then, closing my eyes tightly, I tried to shut out the smirking face of that cat and attempted to ignore my aching dick as I willed sleep to come to me.



I slowly opened my eyes, the feel of the strange bed and comforter reminding me that I was in my new home.

I quickly looked around but Lorenzo wasn’t here, although I could still smell his scent on the sheets. Sitting up in bed, I realized I was on the opposite side of the bed from where I had fallen asleep.

I vaguely remembered Lorenzo waking me last night to tell me to move to the other side of the bed. I looked over to his nightstand and noticed that my photo frame of Wilbur was face down on its polished top. Crawling over to his side of the bed, I picked up the frame and moved it onto my nightstand.

Was this the bedroom that he’d shared with his first wife? I’d planned on asking him this when he came to bed, but I must have fallen asleep before that.

Standing up from the bed, I walked over to the drapes, drawing them open to let the sun stream in.

Since arriving here last night, I had barely seen my husband. As I looked down at the view of the gardens, I wondered if this was how my marriage would be: Lorenzo avoiding me as much as possible. I imagined that the only thing we would have in common would be the children.

I showered in the attached bathroom and then entered the walk-in closet where my bags and boxes had been left last night. I had only opened a couple of my bags so far and would have to do the rest of my unpacking today. That would keep me occupied until the children arrived home tonight. Adelina had told me that Clara and Clemente would arrive home from their grandmother’s just before dinner.

I picked out an outfit, settling on denim shorts and a brightly colored red boho top fringed with white tassels. I knew Lorenzo had told me that he wanted me to wear clothing suitable for a Mafia wife, but I wasn't a doll that he could dress up. I wasn’t going to change who I was and what I looked like just to please him.

I went down downstairs to the dining room, where I saw a place had been laid at one end of the table, while at the other end of the table was a discarded newspaper which Lorenzo had obviously left behind. He must have eaten already, I thought. It would have been nice to have at least have breakfast together so that I could find out if there was anything I needed to do today to prepare for the children’s arrival later.

I made my way to the kitchen to find Adelina and Wilbur.

Upon entering the kitchen, Wilbur scampered up to me and wrapped his soft body around my legs. At least he was glad to see me.

“Good morning, Adelina,” I said in greeting to the housekeeper who stood in front of the sink. She was a motherly looking woman who I guessed to be in her fifties. She wore a formal black dress covered with a white apron, and her dark hair, which was liberally streaked with gray, was held back in a neat bun at the nape of her neck.

“Good morning, Mrs. Marchiano. I hope you slept well.”

“Yes, thank you, I did. And you must call me Anni.”

“No, ma’am, that wouldn’t be right. But perhaps I will call you Mrs. Anni.” She nervously fiddled with her apron. “I’m afraid Mr. Lorenzo has already eaten his breakfast,” she said apologetically. Even she realized that a newly married couple should have breakfast together.

“He must have gotten up early.”

“And I haven’t fed your cat yet. I didn't know what I should give him, and I didn't want to feed him the wrong thing.”

“That's okay, Adelina. I’ve brought down some of his cat food with me. It was in one of the boxes that my ma delivered yesterday. I bet he’s been pestering you non-stop for food.”

“He’s been rubbing against my legs for the last hour.” Adelina gave a warm smile. “But I don't mind. He has such beautiful fur. What sort of cat is he?”

“He's a British Shorthair.”

“I used to have a cat when I was a girl. This one,” she said, bending down to scratch between his ears, “really is a handsome boy.”

“Isn't he just?” I said, proudly looking down at him as he stretched his neck toward his new admirer.

“His fur is as white as snow,” carried on Adelina, “and those big blue eyes of his are so unusual.”

After Adelina had shown me where various things were kept around the kitchen and I’d fed Wilbur, she insisted that I go back to the dining room and that she’d serve me breakfast there. “Mr. Lorenzo won’t like you eating in the kitchen,” she advised.

After a breakfast of muesli, toast, and coffee, I went to see Lorenzo. Approaching his study, I took a deep breath, knocked, and then slipped inside.

Tags: Isa Oliver Romance