Page 12 of Mafia and Angel

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“Exactly. I’m not a patient man. Now sign.”

Her slender fingers flexed as she picked up the pen.

After she had written her name in the required place, I reached into the pocket of my dark suit and pulled out a small, black velvet box. Flicking open the hinged lid, I took out the diamond engagement ring, which was nestled in the satin lining.

Taking her wrist, I pulled her to her feet and tugged her hand toward me. Feeling the rapid flutter of her pulse under my fingers, I pushed the ring onto her finger.

Her eyes stared down at it. She looked confused, as if not knowing how to feel or what to say. Then she snatched her hand back and stepped around me to make her escape.

Before she could leave, I lifted an arm and slammed my large hand against the doorframe, barring her exit from the room. I wasn’t finished with her yet. “You’re to wear it at all times and never take it off. You’re mine now.”

“I’m not a possession.”

I turned my body toward her and placed my free hand against the wall behind her, trapping her between my muscular arms. “Yes, you are. You’re mine to own, and that ring proves it.”

She exhaled and her heavy breaths filled the air as she pressed her back as far against the wall as she could, but there was nowhere for her to go. “I’ll have to take it off when I shower,” she retorted.

She watched my hand as I lifted it slowly to her face.

I caressed a thumb across her cheek and let my stare drop to her lips for a few long moments before flicking it back up to meet her eyes. “No, you won’t,” I said roughly. “When you’re naked, whether in the shower or under me in bed, I’ll still expect you to be wearing that ring.”

She scowled at me, despite the deep blush rushing up her face.

Letting my hands drop from the doorframe and her face, I finally allowed her to squeeze past me and hurry up the staircase. I’d gotten what I’d needed from her—for now, at least.



I finally escaped up to my room.

My blood rushed through my veins, hating how he’d stood so close to me, all six feet and four inches of him towering above my body. I didn’t normally wear heels, but even if I did, I would still only reach his shoulders.

I wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but I found his whole presence intimidating, my body heating uncomfortably every time he was close.

As I stood under the refreshing shower in my attached bathroom, I looked down at the large ring on my finger. I had almost taken it off with my other jewelry as I’d undressed, but then his command ran through my mind, and I’d left it on.

I told myself that the huge diamond was tacky. If I hadn’t been so reluctant to marry, however, I might have been able to admit that the design of the ring was, in fact, gorgeous, the shape of the Asscher-cut diamond lending a vintage look to it.

After shampooing my hair and washing my body, I got out of the shower and wrapped my white robe around me. As I stepped into my bedroom, a knock sounded at my door.

I opened it—to find Lorenzo standing there.

His large frame took an uninvited step into my room, making me take a hasty step backward.

“You can’t be in here.” My voice came out hoarsely as I tightened the belt of my robe and retreated to the other side of my bed. “It’s not appropriate.”

He ignored me, prowling further into my bedroom, taking a good look around himself.

I licked my dry lips. “I’ll scream,” I threatened.

“Your papà gave me his permission to be here so long as the door stays open. You’re my fiancée now, so you’re mine.” His voice dripped with authority and dominance.

The air grew thicker, and the walls closed in around me. My bedroom suddenly seemed too small with him in the room. I didn’t know what he wanted, and I couldn’t get any more words out as he stalked across to the bed.

His gaze on me was heavy, burning my skin as his eyes coasted from my wet hair down to my bare legs and feet.

A shiver skated down my spine. I didn’t know why his presence was so unnerving.

Tags: Isa Oliver Romance