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I press the button again. There’s no way he’s leaving me with this. What about our deal? What about my freedom?

“We had a deal!” I scream as the monitor flatlines, tears streaming down my face. The door bursts open, and a flood of nurses enters the room, but I know it’s too late. One of my dad’s men leads me out of the room and back into the hallway. I guess they’re my men now. The tears continue to fall as I numbly sit in a plastic chair. The cold wave of reality hits me as my mom sobs uncontrollably, falling at the threshold. My dad’s gone. And so is my freedom.



I’ve never been soexcited to wake up to an empty bed. The sun warms my cheeks as I squeal with glee. I can’t believe I did that. And I get to avoid the awkward morning conversation? This is the best vacation ever. My phone buzzes on the nightstand. I’m pretty sure I abandoned my purse somewhere by the door. Was my mystery man nice enough to bring it over here for me? I open one eye and check the name, my brother’s goofy face looking back at me. Lovely, a video call.

“Geez, you look like shit,” he says as I snuggle into the covers and hide myself.

“Oh, good. You’re alive.” I roll my eyes. “I thought the plane you were on vanished after you ghosted me.”

“Ha-ha. My flight got cancelled, and then I overslept.” He shakes his head. “Just meet me in the lounge and I’ll tell you over breakfast.”

“I’m on my way.”

I hang up the phone and roll over to the other side of the bed. The faint scent of him still lingers. I wonder why he had to go so suddenly. Normally the girl is the one trying to sneak out. Not that I’m complaining.

The memories of last night run through my mind. I thought he was going to break me in two the way he handled me. Never has a man ever made me feel so alive. Normally I’m just a shy woman on her back with not much to offer. But last night he brought something out in me that made me feel powerful. Dangerous.

I savor his scent one last time before climbing out of bed and stretch in the morning glow. A quick shower should make me hungry enough for breakfast. Time to get ready for the first day of a whole new life.

* * *

“And the personnext to me didn’t even apologize.”

The din of the café surrounds us as my brother rants on about his terrible travels.

I pour syrup on my pancakes. “Even after he drooled on you?”

“Exactly!” He flings his fork around as he talks. “How do you accidentally drool on someone anyway? This is exactly why I fly first class.”

“Well, sorry for your airplane trauma, but you missed a total flop of a wedding.” I shovel a forkful of pancake in my mouth with glee.

“You think all weddings are disasters, little sister. Besides, I wasn’t even mad I missed the wedding. I’m mad I missed Johnathan.”

“Johnathan? Is there something you need to tell me?” I eye him.

“Hilarious.” He shakes his head. “But seriously we were supposed to be kings again. Jax and Johnathan for one night only. But no. All I get is a cancelled flight and a stranger’s drool on my shoulder.”

“Oh, boohoo about your shoulder. Did the movers come yet?”

He smirks a little and reaches for his coffee. “Yes, Kylie. They dropped off all your stuff this morning. I promise you it’s safe.”

“Good.” I smile. “I don’t want anything going wrong once I get there.”

“It’s New York. Something’s always going wrong.”

“Well, once I start selling apartments and condos, things are going to start going right.”

He shakes his head. “I’m happy that you’re excited. I just want you to take it slow once you get out there. There’s a lot of danger in the city, and I don’t want you getting mixed up in any of it.”

“Jax, you worry too much.” I stuff my face with more food from the buffet with glee. Nothing tastes better than free food.

"As your big brother, I worry the right amount.” He stabs his bacon with authority.

“Still using that big brother card on me?”

Tags: J.J. Love Romance