Page 45 of Instant Billionaire

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“Where did you get this?” I ask, voice strained.

Isabella’s hand falls, and her smile broadens. “Does it matter? I have everything I need to make sure that you don’t slip up and ruin my plans.”

“Your plans?”

“I’m having the contract drafted for seventy percent as we speak. Sign it, or this video goes online, and you’ll become the scumbag who cheated on his pregnant wife with his assistant. I’m sure the courts won’t have a problem handing over everything after that.”

Isabella turns away with pride, a bit of red cloth peeking out of her muff as she hides her hand. I catch a metallic scent as she walks away, and I grip onto the wall to steady myself. Blood. Is she really parading around with it in her muff? Did she already kill Kylie? I want to yank out my phone and call Jax, but that will ruin the whole operation. All I can do is wait patiently and trust him. I walk back out into the dining room and politely squeeze my way back to the bar. I’m going to need another drink if I’m going to survive this.

“There he is!”

Leo stands across the room with Isabella, waving me over with the widest of smiles. “Come here, son. We have much to discuss.”

I gulp down my fears and wave back with a nod. Time to sell away my soul.



It’s so cold.I blink through the pain as I regain consciousness, the side of my head still leaning on the cold cement. I wiggle my fingers to get the blood circulating, but they feel completely numb. Am I really going to die here? It doesn’t seem like there’s anyone else here, and I use whatever strength I have left to get on my knees. Maybe I can manage to smash the chair apart with my weight. They do it all the time in movies. The chances of me impaling myself are pretty high, but if Scarlett Johansson can do it, then so can I. Johnathan is probably at his meeting right now. Depending on where I am, maybe I can get there in time. Then I—

The lock of the door clicks open, disrupting my thoughts. I turn my head just enough to see one of Isa’s goons walking toward me as the door slams closed. I was so sure that Isabella was cocky enough to just let me freeze to death that I never considered she would send someone to finish the job. I’m numb with fear as he gets closer, the black bag rustling in his hand. There’s no way that I can die here. Everything that I’ve worked for and sacrificed isn’t about to be snuffed out by some tattooed guy in a warehouse. Especially not at the orders of that bitch. There’s no way I can run or even fight back this way, and my mind is too fuzzy to come up with a plan. I’m too afraid to even scream as he reveals his gun, the tears falling freely down my face. This really is the end. His eyes are cold with no emotion as he moves closer.

“It’s nothing personal, kid.”

“Put your hands up!”

The sound of heavy boots and radio chatter fills the air as two cops storm the room, their guns pointed at my almost killer.

“Drop it!”

The man drops the gun instantly as the cop presses one against his temple.

This almost feels like a dream. My vision is too blurred by tears to make out the figure running toward me until he’s right in front of me. His face is contorted in a mix of pain and relief.

“Kylie, I’m so sorry,” Jax sobs, hugging me tight. “I should’ve never gotten you involved in any of this.”

I can’t help but lean into him and cry, the fear of death still lingering. He pulls away and gently pulls the tape from my mouth. I feel someone else working through the ropes as I flex my jaw a little.

“Thanks,” I croak. “How did you find me?”

“Johnathan noticed you were missing and called me. After I told him everything, he managed to piece the rest together and told us about this place. We had to make sure Isabella was gone before we made our move.”

I look past Jax. “Where’s Johnathan now?”

“He’s probably signing away his life right now,” Jax says, face grim. “He thought it was the best way to distract Isabella and Leo.”

“What?” I wince at my sore limbs as they’re released from the ropes, and I collapse fully onto the floor.

“Don’t worry.” Jax sighs. “David has sent a team to arrest Leo. You were smart to throw your purse, by the way.”

I’m relieved to know that I was able to help, but it’s not enough to quell my worries about Johnathan. Once he signs those papers, he’s just as much as a criminal as his father.

“We have to stop Johnathan,” I croak, trying to find the strength to stand.

“You are going with the medical team to get checked out,” he orders. “I’m going over there as backup, so you don’t need to worry.”

“A medical team can check me on the way there,” I snap. “I’m not letting you leave without me.”

Tags: J.J. Love Romance