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“That’s because they’re all still sober. Give them an hour and they’ll be all over you.”

For the first time in a while, I feel more like myself. Easy conversation with a beautiful woman is nice. No work, or work talk. And the thought of having that sexy, little body all over me makes my insides stir. It’s been a while since I’ve felt like this. I must be way more stressed than I thought. I down my abandoned champagne from the earlier toast and clear my throat. “Is this your first time in Puerto Rico?”

She shakes her head. “No, but the past few times were on less enjoyable terms. I’m hoping to make this trip a good one.”

I steal a glass off a passing tray and hold it in the air. “I’ll drink to that.”

We clink our glasses and drink in comfortable silence. The bride and groom feed each other cake in the distance, the bride laughing as cake is smeared on her nose. If I’d done that to Isabella, she would’ve stabbed me with the cake knife. Missed opportunities.

“The stars sure are beautiful tonight.”

I glance up at the collection of lights dancing above us. Right. Stars. “Sometimes I forget that the stars even exist,” I admit. “Back home it’s nothing but tall buildings and airplanes.”

“Oh, a city man?” she asks but doesn’t seem too pressed for the details. Her gaze tells it all. I almost feel like prey, and I welcome the change of pace.

“Guilty as charged.” I smile, eyes resting back on her.

Wow, she’s beautiful. Maybe it’s the combination of the ocean waves and the champagne, but I can’t help but find her tantalizing. Nothing like Isabella. This girl is a firecracker. The energy of her hand inches from mine is infectious. She’s a woman who knows exactly what she wants. I think I want her too. Normally I wouldn’t even entertain the idea of another woman for fear of adding more complexity to my already complicated life. But something about this seems effortless. Like a home away from home. Maybe Jax was right. This trip is long overdue. I can’t help but lean in closer, brushing a few stray hairs out of her eyes.

“Is it hard to find good company in the city?” she breathes.


It’s an honest answer. Ever since I got married, it seems like everyone in my life suddenly evaporated. First Jax, then the rest of the frat followed. And forget about even trying to touch the viper queen. There’s a reason she arranged to stay in an apartment not too far from mine. If I had to see that scowling face every day and wasn’t getting laid, I’d be in the afterlife with ol’ Grandpa Joe. But this woman in front of me makes all those worries melt away.

“Want to skip dinner?” she asks, finger lightly tracing the back of my hand. “I think I have something back in my hotel that might be a bit tastier.”

It takes everything I have to restrain myself as I lace my fingers with hers. The rest of the party melts away as I press my lips to her ear, pants tighter than ever.

“Lead the way.”



WasI really doing this right now?

I keep my head low as I lead my mystery man through the throng of people. Thank goodness everyone is too busy looking at the happy couple to notice us. The last thing I need is Aunt Gertie ruining the mood with her invasive questions. My heartbeat is all that I can hear by the time we make it to the elevator. It’s been a while since I’ve been alone with a guy. Not since my minute-man of a husband. And with my studies not leaving much time left for socializing, I can’t even remember the last time I was alone with a guy. But this isn’t just any guy.

I sneak a quick glance and suck in a breath. God, he’s gorgeous. The perfect mixture of mysterious and sexy that must lure in hundreds of girls. Even intoxicated, he’s going to notice how inexperienced I am. I still have time to back out and make up some lame excuse. But as the doors to the elevator ding open, I know that there’s no reason for me to run. He tightens his grip on my hand and leads me inside, eyes luring me forward. Inexperienced or not, I want him.

“Which floor is yours?” he asks, fingers hovering over the buttons.

I don’t hesitate to brush my fingers against his and click the twelfth floor. His touch is electric. Yep, I’m really doing this. His hand presses into the small of my back and draws me closer, giving me goosebumps. Is he about to start right here in the elevator? God, I hope so.

Suddenly the elevator bell dings and the doors open. “’Scuse us.”

His touch retreats as I press my back into the wall to make room for the elderly couple walking on. Great, an audience. I sigh as the doors slide closed behind them, and we ride up together in silence. I can feel his hand grazing mine with anticipation. I do my best not to squirm next to him as the couple goes on and on about gift shop toothpaste. Only a few more flights and I’ll have him all to myself.

It takes all of my strength to refrain from bulldozing the elderly couple as soon as the doors open. He doesn’t let go of me as I lead him down the hall. My panties are soaked by the time we reach the door, and I fumble to find the key card in my purse. His hands grab at my hips, bringing him closer. Deeper. Focus, Kylie. His cock twitches on my ass, demanding that I get us inside as I yank out the key card in victory. I hold it up against the sensor as his breath lingers on my ear.

“I can’t hold back for much longer,” he growls.

The door can’t open fast enough, and I jump a little as it slams closed behind us, shrouding the room in complete darkness.

His lips are on the back of my neck as I turn the lock, fingers working the zipper of my dress down my spine. The darkness heightens every sense of his touch as my dress falls away.

His breath on my shoulders ignites goosebumps across my skin.

Tags: J.J. Love Romance