Page 38 of Instant Billionaire

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“Johnathan,” I yell, unable to hold back.

I squeeze my thighs around his waist as he moves faster. This is better than the island. Before, I was pleasing a stranger in the dark, unsure what the morning would bring and not caring either way. Now, everything feels different. The last few weeks we’ve spent together have given us as chance to learn each other in so many ways. The look in his eyes isn’t clouded over like back then. This is more than just lust-filled passion. Is it possible that this is love?

“Kylie,” he breathes.

The way he says my name makes me gush on the spot. If everything goes well tomorrow, Johnathan will be a free man by the end of the day. And maybe there will be a slim chance for us to try things beyond the late-night study sessions.

Deep down, I know that this moment won’t last. Sooner or later this ecstasy will end, and we’ll be back to our normal lives. I don’t think I can continue pretending that this feeling doesn’t exist. And no matter how hard I try, I can’t shake the feeling that I’m endlessly falling in love with Johnathan Ronsberry.



I don’t wantthis moment to end. The last of the lust faded a while ago as I lay on the leather couch with Kylie in my arms. If things were different, I could lay like this forever. But life isn’t that kind to a guy like me.

“Is there any more pizza left?” She looks up at me, those dark eyes glowing in the night.

“Why are you always so hungry?” I laugh.

She shrugs, flipping onto her stomach to face me. “Can’t a girl be hungry without being questioned?”

“Not when she just ate half of a pie by herself,” I tease, and she slaps my arm with a laugh.

I could get used to this. Once this case is over, Kylie and I will be able to do whatever we want. We could lounge at my apartment for once instead of this stuffy office. There we can really do whatever we want without any prying eyes. I can already see me pinning her again the shower wall as the lust returns.

Kylie stares at me with an easy smile. “What are you thinking about?”

“Just imaging life after this case is over.” I sigh, running my fingers through her hair.

“Good, because I meant what I said before. I think you have Leo and Isabella cornered with this evidence.”

The belief in her eyes is infectious, and I kiss her to steel my nerves. I have to believe in this just as much as she does, or it won’t work. Her kisses hold me captive, and I wrap my arms around her. Grabbing that sweet ass stirs my urges awake completely, and I let her slip out of my grasp long enough to switch our positions. She lays there before me, and I hover over her. I know I should go over those files one more time before we call it a night, but that will have to wait for the moment. Her legs wrap around me, and the smell of her is invitation enough. I move to unzip my pants to start round two, but the ring of the company phone stops me in my tracks.

“Seriously?” I groan, climbing off Kylie. Even in the middle of the night I have no peace.


“Johnathan.” Leonardo’s voice sends ice through my veins. “How is my favorite workaholic doing?”

“Oh, you know me.” I chuckle awkwardly. “Always looking for a new way to stay ahead of the game.”

“It makes me so happy to hear you say that,” he says. “I’d like you take a break for a while and come meet me in my office. I want to talk to you before the celebration of life ceremony tomorrow. Isa has instructed me to have some papers for you ready to sign.”

I’m terrified. Has he caught wind of the plan before it’s even begun?

“Of course. I’ll be right down!” I say, hanging up before he can say more.

Kylie waits for me back on the couch, and I wish that we could just pick up where we left off. But the plan must be executed perfectly. That includes convincing Leo that I’m not a threat.

I sigh and adjust my clothes. “Party’s over.”

“Was that Leo?” she asks, eyes wide with concern.

There’s no way I’m involving her with anything else. Any closer and she would be in serious trouble. I run a hand through my hair and shrug on my jacket. “Just a business partner scheduling a meeting. Nothing I can’t handle. I’ll call a car to take you home.”


I can tell she isn’t fully convinced but doesn’t press the issue. I do my best to seem casual as she composes herself and slings her bag over her shoulder.

Tags: J.J. Love Romance