Page 36 of Instant Billionaire

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I watch as she pulls back the massive frame like a door. The lock of a safe stares back at me, and my mother motions for me to come closer. I guess I spoke too soon.

“What is this?”

“What do you mean what is this? Isn’t that why you came over?” My mom looked as confused as I was. “This is the safe your dad wanted you to get into if anything ever happened to him. In the hospital, he said he was going to tell you about it and for me to show you the door.”

Clearly that’s one of the things my dad didn’t get around to telling me… “What do you mean? Where did this come from? What’s in there?” I ask, trying to piece all of my thoughts together from the hospital, and his last words to me, none of which ever mentioned a safe.

“He never told you about this? I was wondering why it was taking you so long to come over. He had it installed seven years ago. And he was very clear about stressing the importance of you getting your hands on whatever it is that he left you inside if anything ever happened to him.”

“Seven years ago? How did I not know about this?” I regretted that question the minute I heard it out loud.

“Really? I have hardly seen you in this house besides on holidays for the last ten years. Maybe if you’d come over more oft—”

“What’s the code?” I cut her off as to not have this turn into another lecture. My heart was now racing, I was already feeling sick wondering what other mess he’d left behind. I don’t know how I went from lawyer to investigator in such a short time span, but I’m not cut out for this.

“I have no idea. He said you would know.” I hear my mother’s footstep recede back up the staircase.Way to be cryptic, Dad.I stare at the shiny metal of the safe for a while as it seems to stare back at me.

Seven years ago…what could be so important seven years ago?I think as I rack my brain for a number combination that might work. Then it hits me. I punch in some numbers on the automated keypad as it comes to life. My phony wedding date. A shot in the dark but if I know the old man he’s not that complicated when it comes to numbers. I hear the lock click, I turn the knob, and it opens with ease, and I laugh bitterly. Of course he would tie it back to that forsaken agreement.

The door creaks back, and I step inside, a few lights springing to life. The safe was small. Probably the size of a closet with some shelves lining the inside.

But there are few boxes that immediately catch my eye. I crack one open and quickly sift through it. Just scanning the first few pages confirms that I’ve hit the jackpot. Signed agreements between Leo and my father along with what looks like some recordings, and there are a couple of jump drives labeled by date and year. Everything looks eerily organized especially compared to the mess he left in his office. He clearly wanted me to be able to find something in here. I tear open another box to see a handwritten letter with my name on the front.

Words from beyond the grave. I unfold the paper to skim it over and blanch at the words.

“If you’re reading this, Leo must’ve finally made his move.”

He talks as if Leo was out to get him from the very beginning. Everything from videos to correspondence sits in this one box, and I can feel the hope bubbling up inside of me. Each one of these boxes holds more of the missing clues I’ve been searching for. This is probably something Isabella would kill to get her hands on. No wonder the old man took the time to build this safe. The last person that needs to know about any of this is her.

I’m about to close the last box back up when I notice the glint of metal catch my eye. I push back a few files and pull out the rusted keychain from Sal’s. An envelope of cash hangs off the end, the words “buy Sal’s” scribbled on the front. I chuckle to myself and stick it back at the bottom of the box. Even in the end, he was still serious about buying that pizzeria. Don’t worry, Dad. I won’t forget your dreams. But first I have to secure mine. And it starts by getting these boxes back to the office. Now.



“What the fuck is all that?”

I watch from my desk as Johnathan drops a large box down on the conference table, followed by a couple of other men with boxes who follow suit.

“Thank you, gentleman. That will be all,” Johnathan says, ushering them out the room.

Johnathan waits until the door slams closed to look at me, a new fire in his eyes. “You’re never going to believe what I just found.”

* * *

The nights flyby as Johnathan and I continue to piece together a solid case for his freedom. I used to be so angry at Isabella for barging into the office that day, but now I’m grateful. Because of her, we’re able to create a solid case to get Johnathan out of this forceful agreement once and for all. And with Jax working tirelessly behind the scenes, we’ll get to put her and Leo away on the side.

Those boxes ended up having more pieces that we were looking for. All the information we’ve been sorting through for the last few weeks have been like trying to put together a giant, fucked-up puzzle with missing pieces. Thank god Johnathan might have found some of the missing pieces.

An entire box of back-up documents sits on the window ledge as I try my best to piece together their arrangement. It became apparent very quickly that Frank clearly did not trust Leo and seemed to be hedging his bets, because he made copies of everything. I can only assume he did this in case things went awry. Hidden copies in a hidden safe definitely paints a picture of someone who’s concerned they might be the one who gets screwed over.

I'll give it to Frank, looking through all of this paperwork, you could tell he was a good businessman. But Johnathan said the money didn’t drive him anymore; he had enough money. It was power. Power was what gave him a rush that he soon became addicted to. This is when he started finessing the most powerful political relationships he could. And he had accumulated quite the political circle of favors, when one night he saw the opportunity to seize more power. He had met Leo at an event, and although he understood exactly what that family stood for, he didn’t hesitate at the opportunity to connect himself to him. Leo was a powerhouse in real estate as well, and that was pretty much all Johnathan knew.

Judging by a recording he had saved from their first meeting, Leo had made a proposal that Frank couldn’t refuse. They planned to join forces to launder money, buy property, and utilize his political relationships to make sure that their businesses could grow with no interference. It seemed simple enough on the surface. But with this arrangement came power, and both sides wanted reassurance. Frank saw this as a foolproof way for both of them to have equal stake in the game. Nothing could be simpler than an arranged marriage. But he was wrong.

What Frank didn’t know at the time was that Leonardo Guerra was not a man of fairness. He wanted it all, including Frank’s political power. And for the last seven years, Johnathan said Leo worked on developing plenty of those political ties through Frank. The more years that pass led to more fake companies, nonexistent properties, and real estate deals.

But Johnathan seems to be focused on finding something that can help him with what’s haunting him the most: Johnathan and Isabella’s marriage.

Tags: J.J. Love Romance