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He points the top of his muffin at me. “Do you have any idea how demanding the attorney general’s office is? Without those weekend getaways, I’d look worse than you.” He unwraps it and pops a piece in his mouth, the faint smell of blueberry lingering as he leans the rest my way. Just like old times.

I break off a piece of the muffin top as the old memories resurface. Back to those burned-out college days. Back to weekend trips blowing off steam at some nearby island.

“Some of my best mistakes were on those weekend trips,” I muse. “Sadly, those days seem like a million years ago.”

“That’s it.” He slams his hand on the table. “That’s exactly what you need. Sandy beaches. Sexy girls.”

I take a sip of my coffee. “Keep dreaming, Jax. My dad has my schedule locked tighter than jail.”

“Well, make time, man, because I happen to have an extra ticket to paradise with your name on it.”

I blink at him as he breaks off another piece of muffin. “Oh, really? And where are we going?”

“To an all-expenses-paid resort in Puerto Rico.” He cheers, flinging crumbs across the table. “My cousin is getting married this weekend, and I already signed up for a plus-one.”

I smirk. “No hot date for Jax Baxter?”

He drapes the back of his hand on his forehead. “Sadly, this city isn’t a fan of my romantic reputation. I’ll just have to find some exotic beauty to woo once we get there.”

“I’m in. I could use a break from my dad’s hellish work ethic.”

“Then it’s settled.” He whips out his phone. “I’ll send you the information now.”

Excitement flows through me as we update our contacts. Leave it to Jax to swoop in and save the day after all these years.

“I’m so glad I ran into you. It’s gonna be just like old times! Jax and Johnathan back by popular demand.” He raises his muffin high in the air, laughing as a few other customers give us strange looks.

“They won’t know what hit ’em.” I raise my coffee cup in salute.

No sooner do I down the last of the delicious bitterness does my phone vibrate across the table, my father’s scowling face lighting up the screen.

“Well, that was short lived.” I sigh, forwarding it to voicemail.

“You’ll be on those sandy shores soon enough man.” Jax’s face creases with empathy, the years that have passed slightly visible. I guess we both needed a vacation.

“Not soon enough.” I stand, looking at him. “If you don’t send me the itinerary for this trip, I promise I will hunt you down.”

“Don’t worry.” He laughs. “I’ve got you.”

“You better.” I throw my cup in the trash and give him a wave before walking out onto the busy sidewalk. The last time I went on a vacation was for my bogus honeymoon where my new bride sat in the shade the whole time and slept in a separate bed. No sex. Not even a kiss or two to wet my dreams. But that was all about to change on this trip.

I don’t even care what my pseudo wife has to say. Or my dad. Distance will be greatly welcomed from this monotonous life. It will be good to get out of this city and sit on the beach with my toes in the sand instead under a mound of papers. And if I manage to snag a woman with my charm, it will be a welcomed distraction. My pants become tighter at the thought, and I continue my way toward my father’s empire with nearly a skip in my step. For just a moment, the party king will return. And, this time, he will not be silenced.




The humid air of the island clings to my jetlagged body as I yank my suitcase out of the trunk of the cab. As beautiful as this island is, I can do with a little less sweating and a little more help. The cool air of the lobby beckons me as the automatic doors open for a couple walking hand in hand. The love in their eyes makes me sick. I should tell them that it won’t last. It never does. He’ll probably sneak a few glances at the other girls when she’s not looking. But other people’s love lives are not the goal of my weekend. This trip is all about me. Nothing like those business trips that my husband called a vacation. This time, I’m a free woman. No more polite conversation with the head boss at dinner while my husband flirts with the waitress. I refuse to let anyone shackle me down for anything ever again. The opportunity for fun and adventure is out there waiting for me, and I’m going to find it.

I slam the trunk closed, and an island breeze whips through my hair, cooling the back of my neck. I doubt rich Debra will even notice I’m here amid the chaos of her special day. It’s not like we’re ever that close. But when someone invites you on a free trip to Puerto Rico, you take it. Even if it is for something as repulsive as a wedding.

I hike my bag up higher on my shoulder as I clunk up the last step. The sliding glass doors part with a burst of AC, the chandelier glittering above as I stroll to the front desk. Judging by the clock on the wall, there’s just enough time for me to settle in before the big “I Do’s.” No way am I going to waste it a moment of it. There’s nothing better than having food and drink on someone else’s dime. The only thing that would make this weekend better would be snagging a hot guy for a night or two.

“Next guest in line.” A woman waves at me from behind the counter.

No sooner do I walk forward does someone else’s shoulder slam into mine. My bag clatters to the ground, causing a few heads to turn and stare. I glare at the guy buried in his phone as he mumbles a quick sorry before walking off, the scent of coffee and cologne wafting by.

Tags: J.J. Love Romance