Page 18 of Instant Billionaire

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“Oh, I’m not hungry.” No sooner does she say it than her stomach grumbles in protest. Her cheeks flame and she slowly stands. “I guess I could take a little break.”

Her heels are muted by the carpet as she crosses to join me at the conference table. I can’t even remember the last time they even used this thing. Once a dusty relic now shined in the afternoon glow. And it’s all thanks to Kylie.

I hold out the corner chair for her, and she sits with a mumble of thanks.

I make myself comfortable at the head chair, the massive sandwich sitting in front of me. The sight of it is less appealing up close. I guess I know what caused my dad’s heart attack. After a few tries, I manage to break the monstrosity in half and place it in front of Kylie on a napkin.

“Thanks.” Her hands look so small as she wraps them around the monster sub, and we eat in silence.

It’s been a while since I’ve shared a meal with someone. Normally it’s a quick bite of takeout in my office before my next meeting. But something about sitting next to Kylie seems different. Almost like I can sit here with her forever. I know it won’t last. So I steal a silent glance her way and relish in the moment before it’s gone.

* * *

“Oh, Johnathan!”

I refrain from rolling my eyes and force another tightlipped smile as another drunken woman runs up to me with tears in her eyes. This is the fourth woman tonight that has run up to me, and it doesn’t seem like she will be the last. Isabella stands at my side, hugging the woman. “Oh, it’s all right. Frank is in a better place now. Don’t you worry, Mrs. Curtis. Ronsberry Law Firm is as strong as ever.”

For once I’m grateful to have her here. How she manages to remember all these names is beyond me. What, did she study the guestlist before she got here? And that smile. You would think that she is a nun at a charity event the way she speaks to this distraught woman. This isn’t the same pill of a woman that stood next to me at the cemetery. This is the people’s famous Saint Isabella.

Mrs. Curtis extends her hands out to me, and I take them as she sniffles. “Johnathan, your father was such a great man. If there is anything you need, please, just let me know.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Curtis. I’ll be sure to do that.”

She squeezes my hands one final time before drifting back to the bar. What I wouldn’t give to have a drink. Isabella wraps her arm around mine and leads me away.

“Take me to the bathroom right now,” she hisses in my ear. “That disgusting woman got her tears on me.”

So much for being a saint.

I numbly lead her through the double doors and down the hall. The noise and chaos of the dinner falls away, and I’m grateful. One more sobbing drunk and I’d have lost my shit.

“When we go back in there, I’m grabbing a drink,” I tell Isabella as she lets go of me.

She rests her hand on the bathroom door and looks back, that pageant smile gone. “One drink to be polite.”

There’s the wife I loathe. I collapse into a nearby bench and check my phone as she disappears to go polish her horns. Only a few more hours and I’ll be released from this torture. I wonder what Kylie’s doing right now. Probably at home with Jax without a care in the world. Would it be too weird to pass by? I can already see Kylie opening up the door. She’ll be wearing something casual. Nothing more than a t-shirt. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if I—

“All right,” Isabella declares as she emerges from the bathroom. “Let’s finish this up so I can go home. My feet are starting to swell.”

“Maybe wearing flats will brighten your mood.”

“Bite me, Johnathan.” She holds out her arm with pursed lips.

I groan and stuff my phone in my pocket. Do I really have to drag her back out into that booze-smelling room? Maybe a bit of charm will release me early.

I lace my arms with hers and cup my free hand under her chin. “Don’t you think we’ve done enough for tonight? Why don’t we just sneak out of here and go home? I’ll even stop by that place you like on the way.”

She shakes free of my touch and brushes herself off, disgusted. “Absolutely not. What is with you? Has being CEO made you forget our arrangement?”

I clear my throat and adjust the knot on my tie. “No. It hasn’t.”

“I’m going in there to see if I can snag us a few more benefactors. You go get that drink and fix whatever has come over you. I’ll find you if I need you.”

She stomps away, her modest attire only highlighting the features she lacks. I guess that adds to her sainthood act. But I know better. Tomorrow I’m canceling all meetings, image be damned. I need to get out of this marriage. And nothing’s going to hold me back from trying.



Tags: J.J. Love Romance