Page 50 of Brutal Vows

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He reaches his hand out and clasps mine. “I’ll keep you safe. I promise.”

Staring into his eyes, I know he means what he says. The question is, will he be able to fulfill that promise? Matteo can’t be everywhere at once. If I ever get into trouble again, will he be there?

“I believe you,” I finally say.

I can tell by his grin that my words mean a lot to him. A yawn overtakes me at that moment.

“See?” he says. “Talking made you tired.”

“I guess I’m ready to go to sleep now.” I pull my hand away from him and curl into a ball, keeping my back to him.

“All right. Good night, Adelina.”

I pause. “Good night … Matteo.” I turn off the light next to me, plunging us into darkness.

When I wakeup the next day, I realize I’m still in the same ball I was when I fell asleep. I also realize that Matteo is still on the other side of the bed. He kept his promise. He didn’t try anything in the night. Despite wanting to trust him, I had my doubts. But he delivered. If he keeps this up, maybe, just maybe, I’ll warm up to him.

I take a moment to look at Matteo as he sleeps. Instead of the fierce look he always sports, his face is calm, serene. I like this look on him. When he starts to shift around, I know that’s my cue to stop watching him like a crazy person. I jump out of bed and grab a dress to change into, going into the bathroom to do so. After I come out, Matteo is awake and wearing a pair of swim trunks, his bare chest still on display. Damn his good looks.

We pause when we notice each other. Matteo doesn’t waste a second raking his eyes over me like he always does. I thought he was a disgusting pig when he did it our first time meeting. But now, when he does it, I don’t know … it fills me with warmth. The pulse between my legs returns.

“I was going to go for a swim,” he says. “Care to join me?”

“Um, sure,” I say breathlessly. I grab a book from my bag and walk with him downstairs to the pool. It’s a quiet morning with no one else out. All the hotel guests must be sleeping in today. I sort of wish more people were out. Then, I wouldn’t feel so intimidated by being alone with Matteo. “You hop in. I’m goingto read for a bit.” I settle in one of the lounge chairs and open my book.

Matteo doesn’t waste time jumping in. His graceful movements remind me of our first dance when he surprised me with how elegantly he could move. I try to focus on reading my book, but my eyes slip up to watch Matteo swim every now and then. The way the water ripples off his back, his strong arms pushing through the water, he’s a sight to behold. I can’t believe that I, a woman who’s always looked down on bikers, is now admiring one. What has the world come to?

I quickly look back at the page in front of me as Matteo pushes himself out of the pool. He can’t know I ogled him. It would go straight to his head.

“Care to join me?” he asks.

I look up. He’s right there in all his bare-chested glory. Water drips from his hair and down his chest. “I’m reading.”

“Didn’t look like it when I was swimming. In fact, I think I caught you checking me out.”

I flush and dart my eyes back to my book. “Nope. I’ve been reading this entire time.”

He grabs my book from me before I can react. “It says you’re only on page one. Either you’re a slow reader, or you weren’t reading at all.”

“Give me that.” I rip the book from his hands. “Great. You got it wet. And for your information, I’m a slow reader.” Not true at all, but he doesn’t need to know that.

Matteo smiles like he can tell I’m lying. “Ok. Well, I’m going to get back in. If you want to join me, you can.”

“Thanks for the offer,” I say tightly.

Matteo jumps back into the pool, and I force myself to read more than just one page in case he tries to call me out again.

My stomach rumbles, letting me know I need breakfast. I stand up and take a step toward the doors when a family of fourcomes walking out. The youngest in the family, a kid no older than five, barrels into me. Even though I’m a lot stronger, the sudden force makes me stumble, and I fall backward, landing in the pool. I feel a sudden pain, and it takes me a second to realize I hit my head on the pool’s edge.

Next thing I know, I’m sinking, suffocating in water.



Iwatch with horror as Adelina hits her head on the edge of the pool and quickly sinks into the water. The kid who ran into her stops and cries. I don’t hesitate. I jump in after her. Adelina, weighed down by the water, is heavy in my arms as I scoop her up. She’s passed out. Not breathing. Taking in water.

I push off from the floor of the pool and reach the surface. Pulling us both out, I gently set Adelina on the ground. The family of four comes running over, asking if Adelina is all right. I ignore them and check Adelina’s breathing. No air comes out of her.

Tags: Ivy Davis Romance