Page 47 of Brutal Vows

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“It’s one of the reasons. I’ve known a lot of these guys since I first got there.”


He frowns. “Since I was twenty. He joined around then.”


A grin spreads across his face. “Carlo was here before I even joined. After Lorenzo, he was the only guy who treated me like I was more than just a little kid cleaning the toilets. He was around my age but had grown up in the club. He helped me learn more of the ins and outs of the place. I wouldn’t be where I am today without him.”

“I was angry that Carlo didn’t step in and help me.” I clench my hand into a fist, and Matteo removes his hand from mine. “He was nice to me at the wedding, and he checked in on me after you left me in that bedroom. So I was surprised when he didn’t stop Enrico.”

Matteo sighs. “I’m pissed at him, too. It’s ok. You can tell me if any of my men are being assholes. I don’t want you to think I’m protecting them over you. Adelina, I’d beat any one of them to a bloody pulp if they hurt you. I did to Enrico, and I’d do it to anyone else. I just can’t lose them right now. The club needs them. But know that I’ll never let them treat you like that again. I’ll always protect you.”

I stare into his eyes, his expression serious. “I … I’m starting to believe you. I know your club means a lot to you. And I know you also care about me. Just give me time to trust you.”

“Of course. Coming here is the start. I thought we could spend the week here. Just you and me. Getting to know each other.”

Having sex is what he’s probably hoping will happen. But I can’t imagine that happening anytime soon—or even at all. I’ll admit that Matteo is handsome. His beard frames his face nicely, and his broad shoulders are appealing. But I still can’t see myself having sex with him. Nothing will change my mind.

“Ok,” I say. “The whole week. Our honeymoon.”

His gaze darkens. “That’s right. Our honeymoon.”

I gulp. I’m not sure how I’m going to push Matteo away when every time he looks at me, it’s like he’s looking at his favorite meal laid out before him.

I said no sex, and that’s what’s going to happen.

Now I just need to convince Matteo of that without losing myself to him.



Nighttime comes around, and I know what that means. Time for Matteo and me to sleep in the same bed. After the fiasco of yesterday, we haven’t we done that. Something so simple that all married couples do. Yet, I’m nervous about sleeping next to him. Will he expect more than sleep? I’m nowhere near ready to give that to him.

Throughout the day, we spent more time talking as well as giving each other space. I’ve noticed, even in these few short hours since leaving the clubhouse, that Matteo is being respectful of my space, giving me time to warm up to him. I appreciate it. It shows he’s not just some disgusting biker. Maybe he has a soft spot in him, too.

I stand next to the large king-size bed, wringing my hands. After arriving at the hotel, I changed into one of my summer dresses, and now, I realize I’ll need to change into my pajamas soon, which might not seem like a big deal, but getting comfortable around Matteo is something I’m not used to.

Matteo approaches me. “Are you all right? You look tense.”

I nod at the bed. “I’m just nervous.”

“Adelina, I’m not going to try anything with you. I lost control last night, and that’s not going to happen now. I promise. I’ll stick to my side of the bed.”

I let out a breath, nodding my head. “Thanks. I appreciate that.”

“I want you to warm up to me eventually.”

“I know. I just need time. Everything is still so new. You’re still a stranger to me in so many ways.”

“I’m trying to rectify that. We had good conversations today, getting to know each other.”

“We did,” I agree. “They helped me to see beyond the biker.”

He chuckles. “I’m glad. Now, let’s get to bed.”

“I’m … I’m going to go change.” I grab my luggage and rush to the bathroom before he can say anything. It’s so strange to have my wedding night the night after our wedding. Last night doesn’t count. It’s a night I’d rather forget in its entirety.

Tags: Ivy Davis Romance