Page 45 of Brutal Vows

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“Then why didn’t you kill Enrico for what he did to me? Why not kill all your men for harassing me the way they did?”

He looks away from me. “I thought we agreed on a fresh start.”

“We did. But that doesn’t mean I can forget what happened to me. Answer my question. Please.”

Matteo sighs deeply, still keeping his eyes locked on the view of the ocean below. “I didn’t kill Enrico because I need my men right now. Trying to replace people is a tricky business. I punished him. He won't ever do that again.” He settles his gaze on me. “He won't ever do that toyouagain.”

Tears spring to the corner of my eyes as I nod.

“Would you kill someone for hurting the ones you love?” he asks.

I gasp. “How can you ask that? I’m not a murderer.”

“And I am?”

“You’ve just admitted to killing people, so yes … technically, you are.”

He snorts. “We can’t have one conversation without you acting all high and mighty.”

“That’s not fair, and you know it. And to answer your question, no. I wouldn’t kill someone. Not ever. For any reason.”

“Would you put yourself in the line of fire for someone else?”

“I’ve never needed to.”

He nods slowly. “Well, I don’t want you doing that anyway. I don’t want to see you get hurt, Adelina. I’m not sure you feel the same way.”

“Are you asking if I would be ok if you got hurt?”

“That’s exactly what I’m asking.”

Now it’s my turn to look away. The ocean below is dazzling as the sun shines down on it. I want to sink into it and let it wash away all these complicated emotions.


“I’m not sure,” I answer honestly, still looking away. “I don’t know how I would feel if you got hurt.”

“Well, if I died, then you’d be a widow. You’d be free to do whatever you wanted. Be with whoever you want.”

I turn back to him. “I’ve never wanted to be with anyone before.”

“No? You’ve never had any crushes? There’ve never been any men you’ve fluttered your eyes at?”

“No,” I say, sitting up straighter. “It’s only ever been my sister, brother, and me. And dance. Dario kept Serafina and me safe in our home. He rarely had guests over. So there were no men for me to crush on.”

“Good,” he says darkly. “I want you all to myself. I don’t like to share.”

My skin warms under his gaze. “But what if I wanted to be with another man? What if I wanted nothing to do with you? I gave you permission to see other women.” Which I regret, but I don’t say that. “Would you give me the same permission?”

He leans forward so quickly it almost takes my breath away. “I wouldn’t. You’re mine, Adelina. As I said, I don’t like to share.”

“You had no problems sharing those women back there with your men.”

“Those women meant nothing to me. They were just there for sex. You are my wife. You mean something to me.”

“So, Emma means nothing to you?”

He blinks. “Are you jealous of her?”

Tags: Ivy Davis Romance