Page 4 of Brutal Vows

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I smile and shake my head. Carlo is a little enthusiastic, to say the least. I’ve learned to appreciate it rather than be annoyed by it.

My men and I make our way back to our meeting house across the city. The building is fairly nondescript, with basic tan brick on the walls. No one who lives around here knows whathappens behind these walls–the meetings we hold, the plans we come up with, the chaos that ensues.

After we drive into a small courtyard and park our bikes, my men give me fist bumps as they pass by, celebrating our success in taking out our competition.

“That was fun,” Carlo says, taking off his helmet. “When can we do that again?”

I chuckle, throwing my leg over my bike. “When there’s another enemy, we need to take care of. We’re good for now. Let’s go relax and have some fun.”

“Hell yeah!” He hurries inside the building, knowing what awaits in there.

Women ready to offer their bodies up to us.

I’ve indulged in my fair share myself, so I’m not one to judge.

I walk inside the meeting house, which hosts a bar on one side and couches and chairs on the other. Down a hallway leads to several bedrooms that any of my men can use and where more women entertain us. I have my own house where I prefer to do my “entertaining,” but the meeting house is a good place to hang out after a day like today. My men need to see camaraderie is of the highest order. That way, we’ll always be loyal to each other.

“Good job today, boss,” Enrico shouts from across the room as he spanks the ass of a woman walking by.

A cluster of women wearing barely anything lounge around the room. It amazes me that these women do this. They don’t even get paid. They choose to do it for free, to have sex with a bunch of strange, rough men. Some women love danger, I guess. The thrill of it makes them wet.

I get hard just thinking about it.

I approach the bar to get a drink and nod to the bartender, Tom, a transplant from America. “A whiskey,” I tell him. He slides over a glass and pours the auburn-colored drink into it. I take a gulp, sighing as my body relaxes from the chaotic day.Planning this move took weeks and a lot of time and energy. Now, I can relax and have some fucking fun.

Antonio takes the seat next to me. He’s shorter than most of the men here, but what he lacks in height, he more than makes up in ferocity. “Good job.”


He shakes his head. “Now, what?”

“Now, we have fun.”

“That’s it? You don’t want to go out there and get more territory? There are other motorcycle clubs we could target. We can strike while we’re still on a winning streak.”

I pat his shoulder. “Antonio, just have some fun, all right? There’s no need to blow up other buildings just for the sake of it. Don’t get me wrong; I love doing that. But we need to relax sometimes. How can we enjoy the spoils of war if we never take the time to enjoy them? I know you’re eager. So am I. I’m always hungry for more. But I’m ready to take it easy today.” A woman with red hair and pouty lips walks past me, eyeing me up. “In fact, I’m ready to take it easy with her. Now, go find a woman for yourself.”

He scowls into his drink. “I think you’re missing an opportunity here, Matteo.”

“I appreciate your advice, but I’m boss here. So I’m giving you an order. Stop pouting and have some fun.” I walk away before he can be any more of a fucking downer. I approach the redhead, who’s leaning against the wall, and slide in next to her. “What’s your name, gorgeous?”

“Emma,” she says in a sultry voice.

“Ready to go for a ride, Emma?”

She traces her fingers down the front of my shirt. “Always.”

I take her hand, tugging her down the hallway, and pull her into one of the bedrooms, where I pick her up and toss her ontothe bed. She giggles as she bounces on the mattress, and I can tell she’s showing me what I want to see.

I slip off my leather jacket and shirt and toss them on the ground. Then I tug her legs roughly to me, so she slides down the bed. “Don’t pretend with me. I don’t like fake women. Show me how you really want it.”

Her pout turns into a real grin. “Yes, sir.” She reaches up and strokes her hand through my beard. “I find you sexy.”

“Then let me show you a good time. Ready to be fucked?”

“Oh, yes.”

And I do just that.

Tags: Ivy Davis Romance