Page 21 of Brutal Vows

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I shrug. “Then take it off.” I waggle my eyebrows. “I won’t mind.”

She scrunches up her nose. “You’re disgusting.”

“And we’re married, which means I’ll eventually see you naked. We could start now.”

Our guests spill out of the church and continue to clap and cheer for us.

Adelina looks between them and my bike. “I really have to ride that thing?”

“Yes. It’s the only way you’re getting to the reception.”

“I’ll walk, then.” She takes a step in the opposite direction, and I grab her hand, halting her.

“Come on. It’s not bad, I promise. Riding a bike can be a lot of fun. Trust me.”

“That’s the problem,” she says, lowering her voice so our guests won’t hear. “I don’t trust you.”

“You don’t want to cause a fuss in front of everyone else, do you?”

She pauses, then finally sighs. “Fine. But if I die on this death contraption, just know that my brother will kill you.”

“Duly noted.”

“Now, which way does this go?” She holds up the helmet.

I slip it on her head, letting my fingers graze her face. She sucks in a breath. “Just like that. Do you need help getting on?”

“I got it.” She tries to lift her leg over but gets caught in the fabric of her dress. She stumbles, grabbing onto the bike to steady herself. A few chuckles sound off behind us from my men. Her cheeks go red.

“Here. Let me help you.” I grab her waist, and she swats at my hands.

“I got it.”

“No, you don’t. Let me help you over. The sooner you get on it, the sooner you’ll be able to get off it. How does that sound?”

She huffs. “Fine.”

I grab her waist again and help her onto the bike, my hands lingering a second longer than need be. Then I fix the ends of her dress, so it doesn’t touch the ground as we drive. “There. Simple.”

She gives me a tight smile as I get on the bike.

“Wrap your hands around my waist,” I tell her, revving the engine.

She jumps. “Why do I have to do that?”

“Because you don’t want to fall off.”

She grabs my waist.

“See? Easy.” Then I take off. Adelina squeaks and holds my waist tighter, burying her head into my back. I let out a loud holler as we drive. I love the wind on my face.

“You’re crazy,” she shouts over the engine’s roar.

“Tell me something I don’t know,” I shout back.

We arrive at the reception hall in a matter of minutes. Adelina is clinging to me as if her life depends on it. Can’t say I mind. In fact, I wish she’d touch me like this with more ease.

I park the bike. “There. You survived.” I turn around to look at her. “Wasn’t so bad, was it?”

Tags: Ivy Davis Romance