Page 10 of Brutal Vows

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“Maybe that’s just my presence,” Matteo responds. “I have that effect on people.”

I lift my head back up and force myself to smile in Matteo’s direction. “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to be judgmental. I just … I only learned about our engagement a few minutes before you arrived. I’m still processing it. It’s a lot for me to take in.”

He nods. “I understand. It’s a lot for me, too. The difference between us is that I’m looking forward to our marriage. I get the sense you don’t feel the same.”

“You’re a biker,” I blurt out.

“And there’s something wrong with that?”

I turn to Dario. “I assumed you’d marry me to a high-ranking mafia man. Not a biker. You can understand why I’m upset.”

“Adelina, this is enough from you,” Dario practically shouts. He’s never been angry with me before, and I flinch. “If you don’t trust me enough to make a good match for you, then you can leave this dinner table. I’m done with your attitude.”

I push my chair back roughly and stand up. “And if you can’t understand that you threw this on me at that last second becauseyou didn’t want to deal with me being upset, then that’s on you, Dario. I know I’m the calm one in this family. I’ve always been, and I’m fine with that. But I’m right. I’m upset.”

“I told you to leave, Adelina. Now go.”

I stare at my brother in shock. How can he be so callous? Is he really choosing his working relationship with Matteo over his relationship with me?

“Adelina.” Serafina tries to grab my hand as I storm out of the room, but I pull away from her.

“Give her time to adjust,” Dario says as I walk out of the room.

The question is—will I ever adjust? I can’t deny my feelings. My frustrations. My anger. None of this is fair.

I run to my dance studio and burst into the room. I don’t bother putting on my ballet shoes. I just turn on the music and dance.

I choose the most chaotic classical music I can find and match its rhythm. I dance like a crazy person. I dance until I’m too tired to dance again. I tear at my hair. I tear at my clothes. I push my fists into the air, trying everything I can to get this chaotic emotion out of me. I hate it. I’m never like this.

Is this a sign of what marriage will be like with Matteo? Will I always feel like I’m crawling out of my skin with frustration?

Eventually, my legs are too tired to move anymore, and I slump to the ground, bracing myself with my hands. I sigh, pressing my face into my hands, feeling calmer by the second. At least I have dance. No one can take that from me. I’m almost back to feeling like my normal self.

That is, until I hear something and look up.

Matteo is standing in the doorway.



Iwatch Adelina storm from the dining room. I never knew she could be such a spitfire. I like it. Watching her toned legs hurry away in anger is a sight I never knew I needed until this moment.

“Sorry about her,” Dario apologizes. “I’m not sure what’s come over her. She’s never like this.”

“The concept of marriage is a lot for some people,” Pia says, her soft voice flitting through the air. “It was for me. Give her time. I’m sure she’ll come around.”

“Or maybe we should listen to what Adelina wants,” Serafina suggests. “If she doesn’t want to marry Matteo, don’t force her.”

Dario gives her a pointed look. “So, you can marry Matteo instead? I don’t think so.”

Serafina turns to me. It’s surreal how identical she is to Adelina, except for that small beauty mark near her left eye. “What do you think, Matteo? Don’t you think you should have a say in which sister you want to marry?”

“I’m flattered,” I tell her, “but if Dario thinks Adelina and I are the better match, I’m inclined to believe him. Now, excuse me. I’d like to have a word with my future wife in private if that’s all right?”

Dario nods. “I’m fine with anything at this point. Who knew trying to marry my sisters would be this difficult.” Pia pats his arm, not saying anything.

Serafina grabs my hand before I can leave. There’s no spark there. Nothing like when I touched Adelina’s hand earlier before she ripped it away. “Just think about it, ok?”

Tags: Ivy Davis Romance