Page 82 of Make Me

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He chuckles. “I feel like we’ve already had this conversation, no?”

With hate in my heart, I lift my hips up and slide my pussy down his cock. “Oh,fuck,” he sputters, and I have to bite my tongue so I don’t say the same. He fills me so precisely. He still feels like home, my body not having caught up with my mind yet.

I slowly rock up and down, and he smiles lazily. “So wet for me, as always. Maybe especially so when you wanna kill me.”

I continue until the muscles in his neck are straining as he looks up at the ceiling and he’s breathing in heavy huffs.

Then I stop. His head snaps forward.

“Confess, and I’ll keep going.”

“What’s to stop me from doing this?” He thrusts his hips up.

“This.” I take my knife out again and press it to the heated skin of his throat.

“You kill me, you don’t get your confession.” He grins.

“Good thing you don’t talk with your leg.” Then I whip my hand behind me and plunge the blade into his thigh. He growls through gritted teeth, spit flying as he seethes.

“Now tell me again about how you didn’t kill her?”

“I didn’t kill her.” For the first time tonight, his eyes show a hint of real exasperation.

“Wrong answer.” I fuck myself again on his cock until he’s panting, and I watch his tattooed abs tense as he edges closer.

And again I stop.

“Fuck, Harlow.”He spits angrily and twists in his restraints. I smile back, pleased with my chosen method of torture.

“Answer the question like a good boy, and I’ll let you come,” I taunt, and his nostrils flare.

“Do you really think I’m such an idiot that I’d commit murders with my most identifiable tattoo uncovered? Tell me, was the person you saw kill Beth—”

“That person wasyou.”

“Was he—I—wearing a glove on the other hand? What about clothing? I have tattoos all over my body. Were any other ones showing?”

“Stop trying to confuse me.” I can’t help but grind in his lap, so much kinetic energy pulsing through me. “I saw you that night, and now I have my proof.” I stop moving again and hold up the necklace.

“Fuck, fine. Tell me about this necklace. Where did you find it?”

“You know exactly where I found it.” He moans, and I realize I accidentally clenched around him when I yelled.

“Humor me.”

I roll my eyes, but if I have to answer a few stupid questions to finally hear the truth from his lips, then so be it. “In the hidden compartment under your bathroom sink. I accidentally discovered it when I was fixing a leak.”

His face drains of color. Genuine concern shows on his face. “Very few people know about that spot…” He looks off to the side, shaking his head slowly. “I can count the number of people who know the secret hiding places in my apartment on one hand.” It feels like he is thinking out loud more than he is talking to me.

“Take my phone out of my pocket, I need you to look something up for me.” He’s all business, like I haven’t just been interrogating him by edging and he’s not still inside me.

“Not until—”

“Do you want the fucking truth or not, Harlow?” he barks, and I’m startled at the bite. “Left inside jacket pocket.” I scowl at him, but since this is the most he’s given me all night, I reach around his open dress shirt and into his jacket.

I hold the phone up to his face to unlock it with FaceID. He gives me instructions to open a password-protected folder, sucking in a sharp breath anytime I wriggle too much on his dick. “Read me the names and days in order.”

I recognize the names instantly. “You, today. Roman, today. You, today. You, today. Lochlan, yesterday. Roman, yesterday…” I continue this until he stops me after readingDonna, Thursday.

Tags: Summer O'Toole Romance