Page 65 of Make Me

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I continue to empty the magazine until finally, on the last shot, I am able to fire without jolting and hit the target.

We continue until my ears are truly ringing and the air is filled with a sulfuric, burned-metal smell. But I am able to hit the target six shots in a row. I set the gun down, popping out the magazine and emptying the chamber—Cash eyeing my actions approvingly—then hop up on the ledged counter of the stall.

“What now?” My body is thrumming with adrenaline and excitement. Firing a gun is a rush like no other, especially when you actually hit your intended target. My hands buzz from gripping the gun, balancing the recoil without strangling the grip.

I part my knees and Cash takes the invitation, stepping between them. His hands palm my legging-clad thighs. I fist his black t-shirt and pull him close. He keeps his back straight and looks down the bridge of his nose, his green eyes dark and heated.

I love this look on him. It’s a look of pure desire fighting control and restraint. Like he wants nothing more than to rip my clothes off and bury himself in me, but for whatever reason is trying to resist. I tease him a little more, rolling my head to the side, exposing my neck while biting my lip.

His hand slips off my thighs and I think he’s about to grab my ass and yank me to the edge. But then he picks the gun back up and shoves in a loaded magazine, then holds it out to me. “Now, we go again.”

I sigh, slightly disappointed, but hop off, keeping the gun pointed down range. A swift smack on my ass makes me yelp. “But don’t think I wasn’t tempted,a chuisle.,”I hear Cash growl into my ear, his breath sending shivers spilling down my neck.

He wraps his arms around me, pressing his front to my back, and I work on keeping my breathing steady. “I’m gonna say left or right and I want you to aim for the closest target on that side, okay?” I nod and tense as his hands wrap around mine. “We’ll move together for the first round. Remember to stay loose but stable, be fluid and ready to adjust, but not so much that you have to restabilize every time you shift targets.”

“Got it,” I mutter under my breath, honestly distracted by the way Cash is growing under his jeans.

We inhale together, his chest pressing against my back, his warmth radiating to me. And on our shared exhale, Cash calls right and we swing to the side. I break the shot and the paper target flutters on impact. “Good girl,” Cash breathes, and my pussy forgets there’s a deadly weapon in my hand.

“Left.” We rotate again, his hips grinding against my ass, and fire.

“Left.” He repeats and we cock again slightly to the side.


By the time I’ve emptied the gun, my heart is racing, and it has nothing to do with shooting. Cash’s body is hot and hard wrapped around mine, and his sandalwood scent is mixing intoxicatingly with the unique scent of gunpowder. There’s no denying he’s equally feeling the effects of the moment too. His cock is fully hard against my ass and with only my thin leggings, I can so easily imagine the feeling of it thrusting against me.

Lust coils like a snake around my center then up to my neck, tightening its hold until I’m strangled with need.Fuck.

I twist around and wrench Cash’s head down to me, kissing him with an unabated fever. He meets me with a growl, forcing his tongue past my lips as his hands cup my ass, squeezing hard. He slips a hand down the back of my leggings and plunges his fingers to my pussy, sliding up and down my slit, teasing the entrance.

I sputter a curse, and he bites my lip until I yelp with pain and taste blood. He laps up my essence, tracing my bleeding lip with his tongue. “I need to taste you,” he groans before ripping down my leggings and hoisting me back on the ledge. “Spread ’em,a chuisle.Daddy’s fucking ravenous for you, baby.”

I part my legs and throw them over his shoulders as he kneels. “Eager little slut.” He chuckles devilishly before slapping both sides of my inner thighs, again and again until I’m panting and burning, craving that sharp impact on my weeping pussy.

At last he drags a heavy tongue through my core, and I moan with relief. He repeats the slow and tedious motions until I’m hot and desperate, arching into each pass over my clit. My fingers dig into his scalp, wanting more but loving the slow torture.

Cash slips two fingers deliciously slow into me, the sound of my wetness clear. “Always dripping for me, huh?” He looks up to me, gaze hooded, and my stomach clenches looking into his jade eyes. He palms my stomach, pressing it flat so I can see him suck my clit into his mouth.

He keeps his eyes locked with mine as he works the fingers inside me and alternates flicking and sucking my clit. My pussy contracts around him and I cry wantonly. He pulls away just enough to speak, licking my arousal from his lips in an erotic gesture. “You like how daddy eats this pretty pussy?”

“God, yes,”I pant.

“You want more, baby?” He looks so wickedly pleased with himself, like bringing me pleasure is his greatest accomplishment.

“Yes,” I say, and he lowers his head again. “But stand up.” My throat knots with a mixture of trepidation and desperation. He bites his lower lip as he slowly rises, his hands reaching out for my jaw. I catch a slight tremor in one of them and my stomach flips.He’s nervous.

He tilts my head up, and I lean into his kiss. It’s slow and testing at first, but then ignites into something pyretic. He clenches my face between his palms as he crashes his mouth down on me, and I clamor to undo his belt. My heart pounds, making my fingers shake like when I was trying to pick his office lock.

He moans into my mouth as I loosen the buckle and arch into him, my bare pussy seeking out friction. I pull apart, gasping from the head-spinning kiss and horny energy zooming through me. “I’m clean, are you—”

“Yes,” he rasps. “Birth control?”

“IUD,” I answer, and then we are latching back on each other like magnets.

His hand slides down to my hip, kneading the pillowy flesh. I finally succeed in freeing his cock and stroke the velvety skin. Running my thumb over the head, I can feel his precum, and I get hot with the knowledge that he was already leaking for me before I even got his pants off.

Like bumbling teenagers, we crash together in a tangle of limbs as he slots himself at my entrance. I stare down at his cock teasing my wet hole, and my pulse spikes with anticipation, wanting so desperately to feel him inside, melding our bodies together. But then he pauses and reaches out to pinch my jaw, lifting it to meet his eyes.

Tags: Summer O'Toole Romance