Page 46 of Make Me

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I mean, yes, I did tell him not to fucking touch me. But when has Cash ever respected my boundaries? He should be the one groveling on his knees, but instead, I’m the one feeling like I might die if he doesn’t touch me.

I need to get my power back, my autonomy. I need to prove to him andmyselfthat I’m not his fucking doll to play with and toss aside. Which is why I asked him to drive me to my apartment, so I can get some of my own things and hopefully a little piece of myself back. I agreed to stay at his apartment until he can deal with the Bratva—whatever that means. But that doesn’t mean I have to live to his curated standards.

We park on the street, and my stomach drops when he doesn’t open my car door. Even last night on the ride home, he did. I get out on my own and slam the car door, making him spin around, and I can’t bite my tongue any longer. “You can’t possibly be mad atme?”

His green gaze is piercing as he steps menacingly toward me. It pins my back to the car before his body does. He looms over me, and his knuckles whiten as he palms the side of the car next to my head. Seeing the spitefulness in his eyes fills me with venom. “You weren’t the one being choked within an inch of your life.” I shove his shoulders, but I may as well be shoving a fucking boulder for all the good it does me.

“I gave you exactly what you wanted. What youbeggedfor. And yet, you make me into the bad guy?” The chill in his voice is equal parts terrifying and arousing, and I hate him for it.

“Youarethe bad guy, Cash!” I pound his chest with my fists. “And no amount of fancy dinners in private clubs will change that.” People on the sidewalk are eyeing us as they walk by, probably wondering if they should call the cops.Ha, fat lot of good that will do when the officers that arrive are on his fucking payroll.

Cash’s jaw clenches, and he heaves through his flared nostrils. “At least I’m not a dirty fucking liar.” He strikes out to wrap both of my wrists in one of his hands in a bruising grip. The other he shoves down the front of my leggings, his fingers finding purchase along the slick slit of my pussy. I want to scream, but I’m too humiliated to draw any more attention to us.

He pulls his fingers out and rubs them along my lips which are pursed into a tight line. “Fucking open,” he growls. But I only squeeze my mouth tighter as he smears the evidence of my lies on my lips. “I want you to know how you taste when you’re fucking soaked for a man you claim to hate.”

“Miss Hargrave?” It’s a voice I instantly recognize. Cash whips his head to the side, a murderous look in his eyes for the person who just interrupted his little stunt.

“If it isn’t my favorite pig.” Cash turns slowly as he rolls up his sleeves in a pointed move.

“Fox.” Leo’s jaw ticks, darkness dropping behind his gaze. He quickly hides it when he turns to me. “Are you alright, Harlow?” Cash stiffens at his casual use of my first name, and I have to applaud Leo for knowing how to get under Cash’s skin so quickly. They’re clearly already acquainted with one another. I make a mental note to ask Cash about it later.

“Leo, it’s good to see you. What are you doing here?” I turn on a cheery pitch and smile up at him as I lay a hand on his bicep. Cash’s lip curls.

“Looking for you actually. Your call”—he eyes Cash and speaks slowly, like he’s trying not to say too much. I’m sure he did not expect to find me with the man I thought killed my best friend—“made me concerned. And when I couldn’t reach you for a few days, I got worried. I came here to make sure you’re okay.” His blue eyes soften, and I feel bad for scaring him, though they harden every time he glances at Cash. I called him shouting about confessions and then dropped off the face of the earth.

Cash is seething to the side of us. I’m surprised he hasn’t butted in yet or gone all caveman because another man dares talk to me. But then I realize the cold, focused look in his eyes. He’s trying to deduce what exactly our relationship is.May as well give him a show.

“That is so thoughtful of you.” I look up at him through my lashes and glide my hand on his arm up and down in small movements. “I lost my phone the day that we spoke. Crazy story actually—”

“The crazy story will be your ass being sued for harassment if you keep stalking me like this.” Cash grabs my hand and tugs me toward the apartment door.

“Wait, Harlow—”

“You got questions, you know how to reach my lawyers,” Cash hurls over his shoulder as he drags me into the apartment foyer. His words are harsh and steely, but his grip on my hand is surprisingly gentle.

Leo sticks his hand out to stop the door from closing behind us. He swiftly draws his gun and points it at Cash. My heart jumps into my throat. “I can’t, in good conscience, leave you with him, Harlow.”

“You better think very hard about your next move, Saxon.” Cash’s voice is low and cold, but he’s calm as he moves to stand in front of me with his hands raised.

“You can come with me. If he tries to follow, I will shoot him. I’ll keep you safe.”

“No one can protect her like I can,” Cash growls, and lunges forward. I grab his arm and pull him back with all my strength. Leo’s grip on his gun tightens and his shoulders drop, squaring off. My pulse beats out of control, knowing Cash was milliseconds away from being shot at point-blank range. I don’t care how good his surgeons are, no one can survive that.

Adrenaline is making my whole body buzz as I step in front of Cash, giving him a desperate look to please let me do this.

“I’m okay, Leo. I promise. See?” I take a few steps toward him to show him that I could walk away right now if I wanted. “It’s a long story, but I swear I am safe with Cash.”

Even with my back to him, I can feel Cash relax at my declaration. A cocky grin is surely painted on his face.

“You heard the lady. It’s time for you to leave.” The pride in Cash’s voice makes my lips twitch, holding back a smile.

Leo goes to leave, but hesitates, turning to look back at me. “How about you ask your new friend for thelostsurveillance footage from the club the night of the murder. Maybe we can put a face to this mysterious Doug.”

“Sorry, Saxon. What can I say? Mistakes happen. But I’m sure you know all about that.”

Cash’s taunts are mere background noise with my body still humming as I walk to the elevator, riding out the adrenaline still coursing through my system. The doors open right away. I step in, watching Cash right behind me in the mirror that makes up the back wall of the elevator.

My skin feels on fire as I place my hands on the cold, metal handrail along the mirrored wall. Cash’s eyes latch onto mine through the reflection, and I can feel their hunger in the small space. He hits the button for a random floor. It doesn’t matter which, though, because once the elevator car starts moving he hits the emergency stop.

Tags: Summer O'Toole Romance