Page 40 of Make Me

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2The first strike stuns me. The next one maddens me. The one after that finally spurs me into action and I fight his hold. He laughs, a bitter, antagonizing sound.I’m doing exactly what he said I would.

Fight back all while getting hotter and wetter.

I try to kick back at him, but only succeed in spreading my legs wider. “That’s it, baby, spread ’em wide for me.”

He’s enjoying this.The sick fuck.

I’ve been biting my tongue after the shock of the first, refusing to give him the pleasure of my cries. But the next slap lands on my pussy, snapping me out of my incensed focus with a jolt of pleasure making me whimper loudly.

“Good girl, let me hear you.” He’s breathing heavily, exerting himself by the force with which he is raining down on me. I try to hold back on the next strike, but it’s a hopeless endeavor.

The sharp, burning impact to my clit is like nothing I’ve ever felt before, leaving behind a toe-curling tingling. My heart flutters with anxiety between each slap. I don’t know if I’m anxious because I’m dreading another or desperate for another.

The ride to my climax isn’t steady or smooth, it comes fast and swift like the slaps themselves. I’m teetering on the edge, half floating, half anchored by his bruising grip on my wrists. My mewls become more and more anguished as every slap brings me so close to release but never quite there.

“Do you want me to stop? Or do you want me to let you come?” he rasps, and the sound of his voice is like a salve to my stinging flesh.

“Mhmm,” is all I can manage, sweat dripping into my eyes and down my spine.

My head is being wrenched back and I’m peeled off the desk. He releases my hands but digs into my hair, pulling sharply. My back is arched uncomfortably far as he brings his face to mine. “You’ll answer me when I ask you a question.” The threat is like black ice in his eyes, slippery and dangerous.

There’s only one answer worth giving.

“Let me come.” I sigh like I’m surrendering in defeat.

“Then you better start begging like a grateful whore.” I was expecting something like this, but his words still whip me in the face, demeaning and degrading.

“Please, I’m so close,” I whimper.

“Pleasewhat?” Our eyes are locked, and the tension between my thighs intensifies knowing that this man is going to break me.

And I’m going to love every second of it.

“Please make me come, Cash.”

He releases his tight hold of my hair and exchanges it with soothing strokes. “Take off your panties and get on the desk,” he whispers, grazing the shell of my ear and making me shiver involuntarily.

One side of the walk-in-closet-sized room is a long desk, mounted to the wall. Down a bit are the computers and tech, but where I am, there is nothing but space to spread me out on. I shimmy out of my soaked panties and hop onto the desk as he fetches two rolling chairs from further down. He places them on either side of my dangling legs, then takes a few steps back.

“A foot on either chair,” he instructs while his gaze soaks me up, and I can feel the pull deep in the pit of my stomach.

Slightly confused, I push the chairs together and pull up a leg to set a foot on each one. “Wider,a chuisle. Let me see your hot, glistening cunt. I bet I can see how it weeps for me even over here.” My heart picks up, but I do as he says, opening myself up to him as I wheel the chairs apart. “Such a good girl. Do you remember what happens when you listen like my good little slut?”

He takes a step closer and my temperature spikes. “Good girls get rewarded,” I reply under my breath.

“That’s right, baby, only obedient sluts get to come.” He closes the distance between us, and my breathing stutters. He smirks, having caught my reaction to him.

I squeeze my eyes shut as he drags his fingers through my swollen lips, still smarting from being spanked. “So wet for me,” he groans, and I notice the first crack in his cool facade as he swallows hard through a tight jaw.

His hands spread wide and palm my inner thighs. My muscles both melt and draw tight at his touch, wanting more but also wanting to push away. I reach for his belt, but he stops my hands. “Lean back, baby. Didn’t I say this isyourreward?” I swallow hard, but can’t help doing what he says, like he has hypnotized me with his slow, husky drawl and the promise of an earth-shattering orgasm.

“Now, you understand why I had to do what I did, right?” He continues without giving me the chance to reply, “You were under the impression that you don’t belong to me. That I don’townyou. Your every breath, every beat of your heart, every fucking drop of blood in your veins is mine. But don’t worry,a chuisle.Do you remember what else I said that night?”

I am entranced by the soft circles his thumbs are drawing on my thighs and the way he went from seeing red to smooth talking and soft murmurs. “That you always protect what’s yours.” The words spill from my mouth with a hollow ringing in my ears, realizing he meant exactly this that night. I had muttered something about being his employee, and he had laughed. I guess the joke was on me.

“And I take care of what’s mine,” he says into the space between our lips as he brushes his lightly over mine. So light, I wonder if he even meant it. But then he lowers to his knees and my core clenches at the sight.

Tags: Summer O'Toole Romance