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“Besides, you’re out with a Navy man, so clearly, you’re the smartest one in the family.”

She burst out laughing, and the sound made something warm spread through my chest.

“How did you learn to train service animals?” I asked, curious about the entire process…and anything that involved Annalise.

“The best school for canine studies is just north of San Francisco in Penngrove, Bergin College. As soon as I had enough general education credits, I went there for my AS in Assistance Dog Education. I got hired straight out of school for my current position.”

“That’s amazing.”

Annalise beamed at me. “Thanks. I’ve talked about myself enough, though. Tell me about you.”

“You can talk as much as you want, gorgeous. I want to know everything about you.”

She gave me a look that clearly said it was my turn and she wasn’t going to budge.

Our food arrived, and I waited until we’d been served and left alone again. “My story isn’t as interesting as yours. I enlisted at eighteen and busted my ass to become a SEAL. And that’s been my life ever since.”

Annalise sighed. “I highly doubt that is your whole life story. Why don’t we start with how you got injured?”

“Classified,” I replied with an apologetic glance. “I can tell you it was in the line of duty. Broke both bones in my lower leg, but I’m expected to get back to active duty in sixty to ninety days.”

“Oh.” Her expression fell, and I wondered if this might not work out like I’d thought. If she couldn’t handle my career… “Fostering might not be an option for you, right now. I’m so sorry.” She patted my thigh sympathetically, and I realized she was trying to comfort me.

Damn.She was so fucking adorable.

Unable to resist, I ducked my head down and brushed my lips across hers. She gasped at the contact, and I used the opportunity to probe her mouth with my tongue. When she opened for me, I swept in and fully tasted her sweetness, groaning in bliss at her extraordinary flavor. She’d melted against me by the time I pulled back, and I couldn’t help smirking at the dreamy glaze in her eyes.

“Wow,” she breathed.

I chuckled before placid another swift kiss on her lips. “Eat.”

We turned to our meals, and I opened my mouth to ask her another question but was cut off by her exclamation. “Oh my gosh!”

I went on alert, and my gaze darted around us, looking for the danger.

“I’m such a dope!”

Wait… “What?”

“Well, the fostering only takes eight weeks, but I didn’t think we had any dogs that would be ready to be homed fast enough for you to go through the whole training process.”

“That's okay. I understand—”

Her hands gestured excitedly as she continued. “But I just remembered! Tucker was scheduled to be picked up by his foster family this week. But they called me this morning because the dad is being promoted. They’ll be moving to another base in a few weeks.”

She didn’t look as though she was done, so I continued to sit and listen. And also admired how beautiful she was when she was all fired up.

“You said you had a little experience training dogs?” I nodded. “It’ll only be for eight weeks.” She stopped to think for a few seconds, tapping her chin.So cute. “It’s unorthodox, but I can help you go through the foster training while you work with Tucker. We’ll have to meet more often but—”

“Yes.” I was already going to agree to do it, but the prospect of having a reason to spend more time with her had me jumping the gun.

Annalise paused and blinked a few times, almost as if she’d forgotten I was there. Which struck me funny since she’d been talking to me the whole time.


“Yeah. I’d love to learn from you and having the company of a dog at home while I finish up my medical leave would be great. And you’ve inspired me,” I told her honestly.

Her deep green eyes were bright, and she threw herself at me, giving me a tight hug. I gently returned the embrace but didn’t take it any further. If her body pressed against mine, I would lose my shit and fuck her in the restaurant bathroom.

Tags: Fiona Davenport Romance