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“I’ll meet you there,” she insisted. Then when she saw I was about to argue, she explained, “We just met.”

Good girl.I couldn’t help being proud of her for being safe, even if it did rankle a little because my mama had taught me to be a gentleman. “Alright,” I replied with a grin. “How about you pick the place?”

Her green eyes sparkled happily. “Really?”

“Absolutely, gorgeous.”

Annalise’s face flushed, and the pretty color went all the way down her neck, disappearing under her shirt. It made me wonder just how far it went and if it would be there when she came.

I needed to get some fucking control over my thoughts, or I was going to grab her and kiss her, probably scaring the hell out of her.

“Okay. How about The Goat Locker?”

“Perfect.” I gave in to the urge to step closer and kiss her cheek. “See you then, gorgeous.”

When I moved back, she looked stunned. She blinked at me, her green eyes dark with desire. I held my grin at her reaction until I was in the hallway.

“I think you addled her brain a little, Kade,” Simon chuckled.

My smile grew wide across my face as we exited the building. It had been a relief to see that she was as affected by me as I was by her.

It had takensome time that afternoon for my dick to relax, but as Annalise sashayed up to me, I was back to being hard as fucking rock.

“Hello, gorgeous,” I said softly as I opened the door to the restaurant and stood back.

“Hi,” she said breathily, her perfect lips curled up in a beautiful smile. She walked inside, and I followed close behind, taking the opportunity to admire her spectacular ass.

As we moseyed up to the podium, I placed my hand at the small of her back and desire curled in my gut when she shivered at my touch.

“Lieutenant Truett.” The young woman at the hostess station greeted me warmly.

“Hey, Dove. How’s the business?”

“Busy,” she answered with a laugh. Then she aimed her smile at Annalise. “And who might this lovely lady be?”

“Annalise Ragsdale, meet Dove Creed,” I introduced them. “I serve with Dove’s brother, Stirling.”

“Nice to meet you,” Annalise replied, shaking Dove’s hand.

“Verrrrry nice to meet you, Annalise,” Dove said cheekily, tossing me a look that only a little sister could ever perfect. One that clearly spelled trouble…and made me second-guess how happy I’d been that Annalise had picked this place. “We were starting to wonder if Kade would become one of those crotchety old vets who complain about retirement and yell at the kids to get off their land.”

I sighed. “How about a table, squirt?”

Dove laughed and grabbed two menus before turning and weaving her way to the back of the restaurant.

“Lieutenant, huh?” Annalise murmured, smiling up at me as I guided her with my hand still resting right above her ass.

“Lieutenant Junior Grade,” I clarified.

“So it’s safe to assume you’re in the Navy?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Dove stopped at a booth and set down the menus, before gesturing to the table with a smile. “Here we go. Try not to scare her off, sailor. Enjoy your meal, you two,” she said with a wink before making her way back to the front.

“Sorry about that. I’ve known her since she was five, so she sees me like a big brother, which means I get all the little sister sass.”

Annalise chuckled. “So no real little sisters then?”

Tags: Fiona Davenport Romance