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He had a point.

“Unless he had someone pick him up.”


“Although, from what you’ve told me about his state of mind, I think that’s unlikely. Our best bet is to monitor the nearest hospitals and urgent cares. If the dog got him bad enough, he’ll need treatment.”

I growled in frustration. “The one thing I got a good look at was his jacket. He was a combat medic.”


I grunted in agreement.

“Still, other than plastering ‘Have you seen this dog’ posters all over the neighborhood, it’s our best shot. Even if he can sew, he probably doesn’t have what he needs to really treat the injury.”

“Keep me informed,” I ordered. Then I figured, why the fuck not? “And put someone on those posters, too.”

Deacon chuckled, then muttered, “Hooyah.”

I did the same, and we hung up.

Annalise was off the phone when I strolled back into the kitchen. She looked frustrated as she stabbed the food on her plate.

“Ouch. I’m glad that chicken is already dead,” I teased as I returned to my seat.

One side of her mouth kicked up, but she was obviously still upset, making me want to kick her family’s ass.

“Want to talk about it?”

She sighed, and her expression turned apologetic. “I just want to say I’m sorry right now in case there comes a time if—or more likely when—my dad or my brother do something idiotic.”

I laughed and shot my hand out to grab her chair and drag her closer to me. “I won’t hold their actions against you, baby. Remember?” I banged my fist on my chest in a dramatic fashion. “Big, strong sailor, not a wimpy flyboy.”

Annalise giggled, and the sound went a long way in soothing my ire. My head dropped down, and I kissed her temple beforepicking up her fork and holding it in front of her perfect mouth. “Eat, gorgeous.”

While we finished our breakfast, she gave me a synopsis of the call from her brother and dad. I couldn’t really blame them for being so overbearing. Annalise was precious and needed to be protected. I was grateful to them for keeping her safe for me. However, soon I’d have to make it clear that she was now mine to take care of.

When we were done, I carried the dishes to the sink, rinsed them, and loaded them in the dishwasher. She tried to get up and help, but I told her to sit her pretty little ass down and rest.

With the dishes taken care of, I returned to the table and took her hand, helping her to her feet. “How about we watch a movie?”

She beamed up at me, and warmth burst through my chest again. “Sounds perfect.”

I got her settled on one end of the couch before finding the remote and taking the center seat so I could put her feet in my lap. “What’s your poison?”

Annalise studied me with narrowed eyes for a few seconds. Then she blurted out the title of an eighties cult classic I’d probably seen a hundred times.

“With or without bonus content?” I asked.

She burst into laughter, and I grinned in response to the beautiful sound. I could listen to it all day.

“You’ve passed my movie test,” she announced when she’d settled down.

“There was a test?”

She nodded with a mischievous glint in her green orbs.

“Well, damn. Are there any more?”

Tags: Fiona Davenport Romance