Page 85 of Hope of Realms

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This must be what it feels like to be struck by lightning.

Maximus doesn’t just lunge into me. He fills me until I’m gasping. Stretches me until I’m screaming. Digs his hands into my hips and pulls on me like the ground has turned to lava and I’m his only lifeline.

And then even my screams aren’t possible.

I can only watch him, out of breath and consumed with love, as his body ripples and his head falls back. The sunshine paints his hair with fire, his face with magnificence. He’s passion and power and pulsing, primitive need.

Most importantly…he’s mine.

The thought is a miracle from a heaven I’ll never see. But who cares about getting to silver clouds when they’ve been gifted with a golden god? A man who’s faced so much for me. The shocks of his past. The fears of his heart. All the crazy leaps of committing to me.

Jumps from cliffs that likely aren’t behind us yet. And that’s okay too.

I tell him that by lacing my fingers into his. By matching the violent need of his hold. By widening my body more for him. Opening for him…not just physically. I show him every corner of my soul. All the shadows and insecurities of my own heart.

But he doesn’t see that. His stunning blues hold on to so much reticence. He’s holding back so much, giving me more thunder than rain. A dark restraint I can no more ignore than the rumbles starting to quiver in the clouds that race our way.

“It’s all right,” I rasp, tightening my fingers. “We’re okay.”

He tucks his head back in, conflict sharpening his regal features. “If I hurt—”

“You won’t.”


“Damn it, Maximus. It hurts more without you!”

Like glass beneath his thunder, my voice splinters the words. It’s pathetic, but I’m past caring. This is about more than the mesh of our sex. Beyond the claim of his cock.

This is a reminder, for us both, of what a force we are when locked in each other. Joined with each other. Entwined like air and fire…

Like heaven and hell.

Finally, he comprehends it all. I see the understanding in his eyes. But when his body keeps rejecting the certainty, I decide an override is necessary.

While sucking in harsh air, I clench in with my thighs. There’s no way for Maximus to ignore the pincher thrust against his own legs, but he’s only half done with his baffled grunt before I’ve gone into determined demon mode, pushing up to pitch us both over.




The timbre of his growl is succeeded swiftly by the actual timber noises: the crash of his spine against the tabletop then the boom of the whole table against the ground.

“Kara.Fuck.” It’s a ferocious eruption but peppered with a laugh. If the man is set on diminishing my desire, that’s not the way to do it. What his inner animal does to my libido…

“Don’t stop, little demon.”

No laugh this time, and I’m glad for it. Gravity has started doing its duty, working my body deeper onto his. The elements are dedicated to the cause too. As I undulate my hips, rocking my core faster and longer, they heed the command from my lover’s psyche and start dumping fat raindrops over us.

Our thrusts get urgent. Around us, the shattered wood planks creak and crack. They give away with more force as Maximus rears up, hooking his arms to my back in a sexual pullup. Shivers claim me as his fingertips become gentle talons, scraping my drenched skin.

“Yes,” I hiss into his neck. “Harder, Maximus. Do it. Mark me.”

Thank God he’s decided to leave the hesitance behind. Without another beat, he’s gouging into the flesh that borders my spine. I keen in gratitude before returning the favor, finding brutal purchase in the coiled mountains of his shoulders.

Tags: Angel Payne Romance