Page 8 of Hope of Realms

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Jaden squints as if he’s asked why photo filters exist. “Me for the smolder. You, Kara, Arden, and Kell for the happy family factor.” He raises both palms with a no-offense pose. “I didn’t write the code, man. It is what it is. The media’s going to feed on us no matter what, so we should beat them to the narrative.”

“A big, happy Hollywood family is the juiciest meal on the red-carpet platter.” The comment, ridiculously right, comes from Jesse’s end of the room. He’s been abnormally still and watchful, a factor I haven’t overlooked, so I’m grateful for the mirth if not its truth.

Maximus isn’t on the same bus. His shoulders sag, as he’s likely already accepting his deficit on this matter. But the moment carries one positive, giving me an excuse to settle back to his side.

As soon as I do, I release a small sigh of gratitude. My heaven is right here, and now I’m sure of it. Having to heft so many shields for Hecate, physically and mentally, has tipped my energy toward the red zone.

Thankfully, Maximus knows what my body language is saying. He ropes a fortifying arm around my waist before dipping a nod toward Jaden and Jesse.

“I really hate it when you guys make sense,” he mutters.

“Especially because it means I’ll be taped into a billion gowns for the next week,” Kell adds.

“Taped?” Jesse scowls. “Do I even want to know what that means?”

“Probably not,” Jaden laughs out.

Despite Maximus’s physical support, my psyche continues to weaken. It’s not easy to see my loved ones in such doldrums. But my light isn’t snuffed yet—a good thing, since I’ve still got to deal with Hecate’s dejected scowl.

“Very well.” She adds a purse of her flawlessly balanced lips. “Do what you must, sweet one. I’ll relay your generous act to the other diamonds.”

“And give them huge hugs for me too?” I don’t have to feign a syllable of sincerity now, helping me look her straight in the eyes for our farewell.

“Of course.” But she continues pouting like I’ve handed over a basket of scorpions for her to carry. “Come back home soon. Hopefully we’ll see you too, Maximus.”

“Thank you, Hec—”

He stops as I jostle back, realizing I’m now hugging nothing but iridescent glitter. The sparkly motes cling to the silhouette of where she just stood.

I step back and brush my clothes as if the spectral residue is actually craft glitter, loitering everywhere. Despite that weirdness, it feels good to release all the tension from my lungs. Still, I pull a three-sixty one direction then the next, certain she’s only phased herself a few feet and is now hiding in a corner, waiting to eavesdrop on our unattended reactions.

“Really, people?” Kell folds her arms and cocks her head. “If I wanted sparkles and sizzles, I’d be hitting back at the cute special effects director from Piper’s premiere party.”

The sarcastic mention of her movie star bestie should have me cracking at least half a smile, but I’m still too busy checking the dark corners around the bed. During Hecate’s little house call, night has fully fallen over the city. I’m relieved when my search of the messy blankets, bookshelf headboard, and both nightstands brings me nothing out of the ordinary.

“Okay,” I finally mumble. “Maybe she’s really gone.”

Despite that, I order myself to breathe in deep again, knowing it’ll help me pick up any nearby vestiges of her aura. I can still feel my siblings and Maximus, so I know there’s nothing wrong with my special senses. If anything, I feel them too much.

Kell and Jaden are still pinning the psychological needles for fascinated but fearful, while Maximus—my amazing but beleaguered man—is all over the place at once. At one end of his scale, he’s battling anger and agitation. But at the other there’s euphoria and excitement. The wonder of considering himself as a father-to-be.

I need more of that. A lot more. Every minute of every hour of the next nine months, if possible.

But that’s not going to be possible.

Not even right now.

Not even as I cross to the walk-in closet to confirm Hecate isn’t lurking anywhere in there either. Or the bathroom, pantry, or tiny storage room.

But her absence doesn’t dim the lingering complication of her. Or the situation, and its climbing complications, because of her plans.


At least we can speak freely about it all again—for now.

Kell’s the first to understand that assignment. As I step back to the dining table and take a needed plunk into a chair, she wastes no time in tracking me with a jerked her chin.

“Time to clean the griddle, sister. You’re not really planning on going back there, are you?”

Tags: Angel Payne Romance