Page 51 of Hope of Realms

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“That’s a lot of creatures, Miss Persephone.”

“Why else do you think I’m here, Professor?”

She’s more resolved than ever. I acknowledge it with a dip of my head while circling back around and stepping forward.

“Few other reasons make sense. I’ll hand you that,” I offer. “But I’m still wondering…why?”

Persephone’s a handful of inches shorter than me, necessitating another defined jog of her chin before our stares fully meet. When they do, I’m more convinced of her resolve. Her irises are streaked with more inky shades than before. Colors that make me feel…miserable. Sorrowful.

“Hecate means to declare war on Zeus. On all of Olympus.”

I accept that with no outward change, which openly stuns her. Though I’m relieved to look at a feeling other than her desperation, I’m glad when Maximus doesn’t let her extend it too long.

“We know,” he says, filling the unsettled silence. “Not with actual proof, though a couple of days of lurking in the Iremia shadows was worth its weight in overheard rumblings.”

Persephone swallows as if trying to get down some gravel. “So you heard it fromherown lips? From Mother Hecate?”

“In so many words?” he returns. “Yes.”

Her shoulders drop. Her features crumple. She recovers herself by pushing a harsh chuff up her throat and resetting her jaw.

“I suppose I was hoping for a negation. But I should have assumed from what she’s already inferred…” She jerks her head as if attempting to shake off a nightmare “My word. She’s really considering it.”

“More than considering.” Though Maximus remains where he is, he walks over as if she’s been wounded and needs help. I’m tempted to join him. The poor woman hunches over as if ready to steel her hands on her knees. “But…why is that such awful news?” he asks her in a gentle tone. “She’s probably already told you that she’s got Hades over several proverbial barrels. If push comes to shove, he’ll be obligated to align with her. Pressing the hell hoards into service will create a daunting army. If that tips the scales toward Hecate’s victory, you’ll be queen of a very sizable realm. Likely able to enjoy new freedoms, as well.”

“Freedoms?” She rears back up, nearly spitting the retort. “To do what? In what world that will be left?”

Her posture stiffens with every new question she hurls, making her resemble a warrior with a pair of invisible spears.

“If this war occurs, the realm that will die first and be destroyed the worst will be the one that all three of us love the most. The humans will be exterminated. Nothing more than collateral damage. Their grand cities and beautiful homes will be razed, and then the land beneath will be burned.Myland, Professor. The springtime fields that I have protected and loved through every eon. The reason I endure so many months being ogled and imprisoned by the lord of hell.”

The increasing cracks in her voice, warning of tears to come, have me lunging forward. But she slashes her arm at me, a brutal order to stay back as she pins her glittering glare into Maximus.

“Whydo you assume I want to be that varlet’s queen for another second of my existence? Why do you accuse me of caring more about his crown on my head and his chains on my soul more than the fields I bring to life after such an ordeal? The young flowers who greet me with nothing in their spirits but joy and color? Not wanting anything from me. Only wanting to give everything they have to the world. Even to humans who hardly recognize their precious power anymore…”

Gravity loses another half step to me. It’s only a few inches but enough time for one of my hands to travel to my middle, pulled by instincts beyond my control.

“I understand. I really do.” My rasp matches the shiver in her voice. I don’t try to hide it. I don’t want to. “More than you think. Persephone—”

“If you understand, then you have to help.” She dashes her stare to mine, imparting some relief with the new shades of blue that break through. Though they’re as blunt as sharpened steel, it’s better than her hopeless black. “You don’t want to. I see that, and I know that. I knew that from the second your sister stepped in and dropped the announcement out on the promenade.”

“Hey. It’s not that we don’twantto,” I persist. “We love each other, Persephone.” I step back and scoop a hand beneath one of Maximus’s. “And we want to be together forev—”

“Save it. I’m fully aware of all that. I’m referring to Kell’s true motivation. The bigger secret you’re hiding, which I truly do not care to know in full. That’s between you two and the ultimate maker. What I only need to know now is that you’re really going through with thewedding. That this is really going to happen. And that it will be as big a deal as what your mothers have started discussing.”

Even from my vantage point, I can see Maximus’s free fingertips stretching and tensing.

“Why?” he demands. “What’s this got to do with anything, especially Hecate’s war plans?”

She pivots back in his direction. The lighting catches the top of her head, turning it into fire that illustrates her tenacity.

“You mean what it has to do with stopping the clash altogether?”

I’m thankful for his instant and pronounced grunt. The one he saves for occasions when nothing makes sense. Also a trait that’s likely gotten overused in the last three weeks.

But I’m not arguing with him. Because I thoroughly agree with him.

“I’m sorry. I don’t think we’re following.”

Tags: Angel Payne Romance