Page 26 of Hope of Realms

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It’s so much harder to remember.

Not whengivinganddoingsuddenly mean such different things.

Urgent, pulsing, impatient things.

I need to give it to you, Maximus.

I need to do it with you, Maximus.

To whatever force of the cosmos that interferes, making his throat growl and his eyes dilate, I pledge a lifetime of loyalty.

To whatever additional power that steps in, coiling through his arm to make him reach out and whomp that magical red button, I pledge my afterlife fealty as well.

At once, alarms clang around us. I owe them a fidelity ceremony too, since their clamor easily absorbs my long groan once Maximus swings me around and slams me onto the railings that meet in the lift’s corner. I moan again, wondering if we’ve dented the steel wall, before realizing I don’t care. The repair bill will be worth it. As Maximus moves in, making room for his hips between mine, I already know that as total fact.

He drags his head up, exposing me to the full force of his stare. Thick clumps of his hair are in our way, making his lust look like safety beacons through thick fingers of tawny smoke. But right now, he’s feeling everything but safe. I see it in those pure blues and absorb it in his primitive need.

“They could find us any second,” he growls, his lips half a breath from mine.

“I know,” I rasp back.

“They could see me pinning you in like this.”

“I know.”

“Fucking you like this.”

“I know!” I twist my grip into his beard and haul his mouth back down upon me. His mouth, tasting earthy and peppery and lusty. His mouth, doing everything it can to blatantly mash on me…and punish me… “I know, damn it. I don’t care. Iwon’tcare. Just…oh, please…Maxim—oh!”

Ahhh, those glorious alarm bells, wrapping around the full force of my shriek—as this incredible male forces my body to do the same with his erection. And then again. And again. Each time, I cry out louder. Screams of confusion—When did he unzip meandhimself?—but also of obligation. Sheer, primal gratitude. Bowled over, dragged under, catapulted across.

And spread so wide.

And nailed down hard.

And loving him even more for it.

Every thrust he can’t be gentle about. Every drive he doesn’t dare take slow. None of this can be about that now. We’re here for the totality of our connection. The hot, hungry rush of awareness that we fought when our fingers touched for the first time. The battles we waged against doing exactly this. Tangled in each other. Pouring out to each other. Losing every boundary we possess. Finding every height we can soar to.

And oh, how we do.

Even in an elevator that’s headed down, we’re surging up. Stretching higher. Lunging through the clouds and then past the stars. Rocketing past Mars and Jupiter and the rest, until we’re flaring to life in an uncharted galaxy…


“Yes. Oh, Maximus.”


Oh…wow. It’s a new solar system entirely, exploding into all its colors just as my body goes supernova around his.Withhis. As he pumps me full of liquid starfire, my blood already turns it into the real stuff. We float through an incredible galaxy as one blindingly bright orb, marveling at its quiet beauty despite the earthbound clangs that still riot around us.

Until, suddenly, they don’t.

In their place, there’s a voice. A strong, slightly accented baritone.

“Miss Valari? Mr. Kane? Are you all right?”

“Uhhh…yeah. All good here.” Maximus bellows it loud enough to mask the rustles, clanks, and zips as we hasten to correct our clothes. Since Mother invited the whole press pool down from upstairs, we’ll surely be outed for any discrepancies between then and now—though at this point, I still don’t care. In even better ways than before.

Tags: Angel Payne Romance