Page 24 of Hope of Realms

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The poor guy obviously agrees, though I’m probably the only one to catch his disappointment before he throws a smooth mask across it.

“What areyourthoughts on it all?” one of the correspondents directs at Kara during a lull in the din. “Should these buildings be rescued despite the risk of them crumbling worse during another quake, or should their history be sacrificed in the name of modern safety codes?”

Well, there goes Jaden’s facade of civility. Good thing, since that means I’m not alone in the irked glare department.

There’s no way Kara can pick a winning answer to that, though she seems determined to try with a sweet cant of her head and a charming quirk of her lips.

In the same moment, a fascinating aura settles over the throng. My stunning sorceress already has them all in thrall—and Jaden and me, as well. But the marvelment doesn’t stop us from indulging gloating smirks because of it.

Kara’s take is different. She looks at the reporter with merciful contemplation. Her voice is even more diplomatic.

“Wow. That’s such a good question, Greg. But I guarantee my answer wouldn’t be as informed as the one my brother started.”

It’s officially my favorite moment of the event. A segue that embodies my woman to perfection, as humble and disarming as it is smooth and sassy. No wonder I yearn to kiss the woman into oblivion for it—if only I weren’t occupied with glaring down a good chunk of the crowd, guysandgirls, looking ready to do the same. I even wonder if Jaden’s about to join my end of the throwdown, until he opens his mouth to continue with the talking points—only to be verbally stomped again.

“As long as we’re on the subject ofstarting things…” A new reporter steps forward, casually tossing dark hair that’s cut in a glam rock pompadour. His look is finished with gold eyeliner that stands out against his terracotta skin, though the makeup isn’t necessary. His bright-green gaze brings a stab all its own. “You two… Our Greek gladiator professor and the Valaris’ shy girl… You two interested in issuing an official statement here?”

And that’s it. Less than twenty words from this smartass, and Kara’s cool confidence evaporates into mist. It’s a dark fog, taking over every inch of her face as she pushes physically closer to me but lets loose at the bold little rock star with startling volume.

“Official? You demanding a signed affidavit?”

The reporter smirks while subtly directing his photographer to focus on Kara and switch to video mode. “You offering one, Ms. Valari?”

“Would it change your story angle at all, Ellery Gentry?” She steps forward and folds her arms. “Since that’s the pointless rhetoric for the night, why don’t we all move on to what really matters here tonight?”

Gentry flips the front of his pomp from one side to the other. “To a lot of people, you and Maximusdomatter.”

“Enough,” she bites out. “Your verbal gymnastics aren’t amusing, Ellery. Especially not tonight. So step aside and let someone else—”

“Ask the same question?” The taunt blares from someone at the back of the group. “Come on, Kara. This time, Ellery gets a pass. He’s just being nicer about it than the rest of us.”

The reporter to Gentry’s left is a diminutive redhead who raises her hand. But even from here, I know the gesture’s just a formality.

“Kara. Maximus.” She intones it while swinging her stare between us with the tact of a wrecking ball. “We’re not asking for a half-hour sit-down with wardrobe changes. Can we just get something,anything, for the record, please? Are you two doing this publicly now, or not? If so, where are you pinging on the commitment radar?” She takes a small breath, but her personal pendulum is still in dramatic motion. “Because if that number’s anywhere below five, I’ve got a proposition for Professor Kane…”

I’m confused about the item she holds aloft, as well as the hefty group laugh it stirs, until Veronica rushes forward and snatches it from the reporter’s hand. In nearly the same movement, she sweeps around to stuff the thing—a cocktail napkin with a name and phone number scrawled onto it—into a newly filled glass of white wine.

The cheerful guffaws are reduced to nervous snickers. Though it’s not my first time today, I look to Veronica with new appreciation. The media isn’t called an animal of its own for empty reasons, yet the beast bows instantly and collectively to Mama Valari. This, coming from a band of skeptics with incomplete knowledge of her ancestry. It’s enough to double my own awe. Even by this realm’s simple standards, the woman’s a full force of nature.

With, fortunately, a daughter who knows how to balance her out.

Kara’s light laugh emerges with ideal timing. “Well, thank goodness I know you’re kidding, Leeta,” she offers to Napkin Woman with a serene smile. “Because the fight wouldn’t be pretty if you weren’t.”

Just like that, everyone’s back to easygoing party chortles. But on many faces in the crowd, I glimpse more than the basic mirth. I see it because I’m feeling it too. A wagonload of sheer relief.

Though all too quickly, my wagon’s pulling back out to the big prairie of nerves.

It’s not the way Kara steps back over to snuggle close once again. It’s thatnowthe words beneath my breath are a total match to the truth I’m living.

“Deer, meet headlights.”

Not even Kara’s commiserating giggle can dim the cacophony we’re subjected to. The wild surge of overlapping shouts. The primal din of jostling bodies and clashing cameras. But most of all, the sci-fi strangeness of their rapidly flashing bulbs. To their lenses, the way I resecure my grip on their princess is another sign of the affirming affection they’re digging for. Only Kara knows the truth. She has to. She’s got to know thatshe’sgivingmea lifeline in this endurance test, not the other way around.

Whatever it is, we must be giving the horde what they’re looking for. They’re bellowing with praise now, like we teamed for a game-winning Super Bowl play, despite how we’ve barely moved for several minutes. My bewilderment about it goes gut deep, manifesting in a growl that vibrates against Kara’s hand, now splayed to the middle of my chest.

“And now you know why they call it Hollyweird,” she mutters past her tight smile. As I groan and chuckle, we’re doused in more strobing lights and the football stadium yells.

Veronica flows back into the photo area just in the nick of time. “So, everyone’s clear about the commitment radar now?” She eyeballs Leeta the napkin girl. “Good. For those of you with platinum access to the event, Maximus and Kara will be down in the hotel’s social club in a few minutes for a fun face-off against Jaden and Kell.”

Tags: Angel Payne Romance