Page 22 of Hope of Realms

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He’s too busy joining me in mad grabs for the sheets, using his long arms to get us covered below the waist. I take care of towing the comforter up to my armpits while hurling a scowl over the mountains of his shoulders.

“Kell?” Her messy ponytail and lounge attire are magnets for my attention—and concern. It’s not like her to throw on the first stuff in her closet, even for casual morning errands. “What—the—freaking—”

“Won’t bother asking you kids the same question.”

My sister has the nerve to drawl it with the hint of a smirk, which brings me to a new—and harder—glower. In this case, Maximus and his stores of self-control are perfect gifts from the universe. I reach my psyche into his, borrowing from his deep well for a much-needed composure check.

He offers another dose of that good stuff with his wry drawl across the apartment.

“And I won’t bother asking how you got the key to my front door.”

It’s an interesting but weirdly welcome challenge to Kell’s ongoing urbanity, which defines her quirk of a head tilt. “After last night, Professor North understood the assignment. And I’m grateful.”

“The assignment?” Maximus visibly stiffens despite his steady echo of the assertion. “In what way, specifically?”

Kell squints as if he’s brandished a gun and dared her to guess if it’s loaded. I have to admit, the edge in his second charge pulls me toward the same impression.

Luckily, Kell doesn’t waste much time on the discomfort. With the grace of a Bond girl, she cocks a hip and offers, “Now that Veronica knows we’re all back and ready to roll,she’sready too.” She rolls her gaze to me. “Donotsay you didn’t see this coming.”


Before Maximus finishes the prompt, I’m rolling a reassuring hand along his shoulder. Or perhaps a placating hand. I can’t pick it apart right now. Not with the thoughts Iamable to construe from the look on my sister’s face.

“The plan we discussed last night,” I say. “So, Veronica’s bitten on the distraction bait?”

“Hook, line, and sparkly sinker,” Kell returns.

I twist my lips, unsure whether it’s from relief or regret. “Which also means we’re being summoned to the mansion for media-blitz prep.”

“Summoned?” Kell scoffs and shifts to the other hip. “Dearest, if it were only that, you think she’d have sentmeall the way down here to fetch your pretty little ass? Whichisquite pretty, by the way.”

“Shut up.” I drop my hand to wrap myself tighter in the comforter.

“Most gladly, so long as you two untangle yourselves from each other and get downstairs like sweet little captured convicts. I even brought you some new clothes, which makes me the world’s most awesome sister.” She pulls a pair of my favorite velvet joggers and a faded Stevie Nicks tee out of her big messenger bag. “So hop to it. Miles is waiting in the car.”

“Miles?” I let a frown replace the ambiguous look.

“Dalton’s replacement. He’s very sweet.”

“So was Dalton,” I volley. “If you overlook the whole secret-spy-for-Hades-and-not-telling-us-for-years thing.”

“Hey.” Maximus’s touch is as tender as his tone, rubbing over my now-white knuckles. “I’m sure they’ve vetted this guy in full. If not, he’s likely to think twice about messing with a son of Zeus. Because I’m not leaving your side.”

“For which I’ll relay my gratitude this second,” Kell puts in, “because my instructions were to return with you both. I’ve already been threatened with horrific repercussions for noncompliance.”

I hate myself, if only a little, for how that makes my lips jerk up. “Should I demand details?”

She blows out a heavy breath. “Only if you’re ready to learn them without that special sheet around your bum.” She hitches a shrug in time to my protesting gasp. “Details from me, details from you. Everyone’s even. At least it’ll give us fun stuff to chat about during tonight’s party for the city’s earthquake relief fund.”

“So that’s going to be the family’s first event?” I return. “Interesting choice.”

“Theonlychoice,” she returns. “Every A-lister in town RSVP’d at once.”

“For what it’s worth, I’m glad our posse has, as well,” Maximus adds.

“Excellent,” Kell murmurs. “So can we fire upthispart of the posse now, or what?”

I push out a resigned sigh. “Nowas in you’re going to wait in the hall while we throw on clothes and shoes? Or as in you’ll be a love and chill with Miles while we grab fast showers and coffee?”

Tags: Angel Payne Romance