Page 13 of Hope of Realms

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In short, a woman who’s going to get Jesse in way over his head.


And there it is anyway. Kicking my ass—with proper justification. Because when did I turn into the guy with full rights for that call-out? Aren’t I the one who’s in way over my own throbbing head?

The head with the brain that’s still struggling for some awareness here. A list of words that are still defying my comprehension…




Words that were never a part of my world. That were never defined for me, except in the made-up stories that Jesse and I consumed in comic books or action movies. To us, fathers only fell into three categories. Evil taskmasters, elderly mentors, or deceased icons.

“Well, there’s a lot to go by,” I finish in a low growl, already conceding the psychological corner into which I’ve trapped myself. The place where I’ve got to face the large, looming facts—mostly the one having to do with the arrival of my real father in my life.

I yearn to smile sagely and enjoy a privateahamoment here, as I’m magically illuminated with new wisdom about his powerful presence.

Noto the power of ten. If anything, Z’s intrusion has only complicated a number of things. Okay, more than just that. I don’t dare try to enumerate the quote, because I’ll probably need room for higher figures.

For now, I’m determined to leavecomplicated, and all the words that go with it, outside my front door. Beyond this portal, there’s no more thoughts ofIremia. OrOlympus. Orharpiesorsecrets…


For tonight, the atmosphere in this apartment will only filled with one collision of molecules. Mine and Kara’s.

The mesh of our hearts.

The lock of our bodies.

The fusion of our souls.

The commitment to our powerful little twig.

I smile, silently thanking Kell for the assignation. It’s already a perfect fit. Bright and sweet but bold and brilliant, exactly like this new miracle is going to be. So much like their mother…

My gorgeous little demon.

My blazing, daring soulmate.

The woman who already lifts a smile back across my face, even as I lock the door and look back up. I’m grinning as if the sappiest soundtrack is permeating the air, with my eyes stinging and my cheeks aching—

Until they’re not.

Until they’re moving into a new look, somewhere between stupefied and stunned, once I swing my gaze all the way back up to the bed.

And see that Kara isn’t gleefully complying with my sensual directions. At all.

She’s still fully clothed and perched on the edge of the mattress.

Her head is bowed. Her hands are twisting. Her shoulders don’t stop their adamant jerks, belying her ongoing sobs.

My shoulders stiffen. My gut clenches.

So much forcomplicatedstaying behind tonight.


Tags: Angel Payne Romance