Page 86 of Escape The Light

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Her laugh makes my cock twitch, and then she is kissing me again. I grunt as she sweeps her tongue in and pushes into me to gain more height.

“There is so much room,” she pulls away breathless, “what are we going to do with all this space?”Shelaughs happily. “I love it.”

“Good, let me show you around.” I take her hand and walk her through the buildings, giving her a thorough tour. We make plans as we move around. Her ecstatically announcing if it will be a living room or where we will have a dining room.

“What about Bella?” Zara murmurs, walking up a set of stairs. This isn’t the correct stairway to enter the main bedroom, but it offers an incredible view over the orchard.

“She wants her own place.”

“Oh, she never said.” Zara looks back at me. “Oh, wow.”

Her gaze falls to the view out the window.

I laugh inwardly at her inability to focus on any one thing with how excited she is.

“I’ll miss her and Stalin,” Zara says softly, staring out at the view.

“They can visit whenever they like.”

“I know.” She pecks my lips and carries on up the stairs and along the stone hall until I manoeuvre her into a large room.

“This will be our bedroom.” I cup her stomach and kiss her neck. If those from my previous life could see me now, they would weep with laughter: an ex drug kingpin who lives in a monastery, not to mention the sins of Skyn. It’s comical. I was more than ready to hand it over to Tony. I never planned to live that life forever, and even as I scarred the world with my sins to fight for my family, I made all the necessary arrangements to be able to walk away, financially secure and without complaint. Tony now rules what was my empire. Skyn and the drugs are his, but I’m still a silent partner in Nexo and Hex.

I know not to cut all ties. One day, I may need to put my foot back in that door. Tony knows how this works, and after everything I have done for him, all the years by my side, I know he will welcome me back into the fold with willing arms.

Zara sighs happily, and I lift her chin and tilt her mouth to mine, kissing her deeply. She hums and cups my face, opening her mouth for my tongue to penetrate.

In retrospect, it seems only fitting that we live here. It would go to ruins, but now it can become a home.

A place for us to grow roots.

A way to cleanse us of our pasts.

A place for me to thank whichever higher being gifted me with this beautiful creature. Whoever gave me an angel to break through my darkness.

Do I think this place will bring me absolution? Perhaps not.

ButI want to atone for any wrongs, and I know she is the only one to give it to me.

Here we are both free. We can embrace the life we both had torn from us.

Here I can become the man she needs me to be.

I flatten her to the wall and tilt her chin, ensuring she looks at me.

“I love you, angel.”

Tags: A.R. Thomas Romance