Page 78 of Escape The Light

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“I can’t stop. Fuck.” He rips my knickers free and drops, shoving his face into the apex of my thighs and inhaling. “Yes!” he hisses.

“Do you want me to take them… Oh my Goooooooood,” I cry when his tongue drags through my sex.

I buckle and grip his shoulders.“At least this doesn’t look different,” he growls and thrusts his tongue deep. My laugh is lighter than it has been in months.

“I need you now!” I demand, yanking at his shirt and ripping his belt free. Callan stands and shoves his jeans and boxers down. With a quick grasp, he lifts me, thrusts me back on the bed, and pulls a condom free from his jeans pocket. I frown.

He pants.“Your pill will have run out by now,” he says. It’s true, but I did manage to get to the nearest doctor and request a prescription. I don’t have time to tell him because he is sheathed, rock hard, and positioning himself above me. “Tell me how I let you go.” He grunts, pushing to merge our bodies together.

“I don’t know. You’re stupid.” I moan and match him thrust for thrust. “Verging on cruel.” I narrow my eyes at him.

He pulls out, shudders and slides back in, twisting my features from playful to pleasured. “Always so damn tight.” He smirks. “I’ve missed this perfect pussy.” He withdraws and slams deep, his mouth hanging wide as pleasure ripples through him.

“Again.” My hands are everywhere. I writhe and sob as we fuck frantically. It’s been so long, but we both succumb to the pleasure quickly, toppling over into a joint orgasm. Callan presses his face into my neck and kisses his way up until he is swooping his tongue to meet mine.

“I love you, angel,” he whispers.

“I love you.” I smile, cupping his face. “I’m on the pill,” I inform him and giggle when he scowls and drops forward in a huff.

“I fucking hate these things,” he accuses, removing the condom.

“It’s not like you wore it for long,” I retort.

“Fuck off. It’s been months.” He chuckles and rolls, taking me with him. “I’m warming up.” He adjusts my legs so they are in a kneeling position flat to his side. “Give me a few minutes, and I’m going to make love to you all afternoon.”

“Is that right?” I smother a smile and rest my head on his big painted torso. My eyes catch sight of colour in his usually black chest. I push up and zoom in on the pair of moss green, realistic eyes staring back at me. My eyes are on his chest. I stare at them, lift my finger, and trace each eye.

“I missed them,”he says softly. “I missed you.” Those words—they wrap me into a hazy, warm bubble of happiness.

“You're going to make me cry.” I bite my wobbly lip and slowly raise my gaze to meet his. It’s still early afternoon, and the bright sun is pouring in through the windows, giving me the perfect lighting to stare at him.

“Then I think that’s my cue to love you all afternoon,” Callan murmurs. I nod, letting him roll me beneath him.

We wake late, and the sky is a blanket of twinkling stars. I’m sore and sated and so happy he is here. Part of me doesn't quite believe it, and I find myself just touching him to remind myself this isn’t a dream.

“I’m not going anywhere.” He laughs.

“Just checking.” I grin. I’ve made us a picnic for dinner, but with Callan in attendance, it’s more of a buffet. We sit out on the decking and pick. Even though I have plenty of chairs, I have made myself comfy in his lap. “Tell me about Isabella. How is she?” All those years, I feared being caught by those men, and she endured them daily. I have no idea how a woman copes with that. It had plagued me for weeks; the only relief I had was knowing that Callan had her home.

“Slow and steady. She’s closed off and reluctant to open up. Not that I want to know details, but Stalin seems to be better at helping her. I’m too aggressive in my approach, apparently.”

“You don't say.” I chuckle. He pinches my side, and I rest my head on his shoulder. “She gets along with Stalin then?” I ask, biting into a strawberry.

“Yeah,” he scoffs, “they will be here tomorrow,” he announces happily.

“Really? I don't think Stalin likes me.” I’m stiff in his lap.

“He’d better. He knows what you mean to me,” he mutters, biting a chunk of bread off and chewing thoughtfully.

“I guess enough time has passed. Hopefully, we can all move forward.”

“There will be no going back now. Come here.” He twists me and lands a deep kiss on my mouth. “I do want to ask you something?” He is grave, and I twist my head, waiting for him to get serious with me.

“Okay.” His tone leaves me feeling nervous.

“Earlier, I watched you with that girl.” His thumb rubs back and forth over my cheek. I’ve removed my lenses, and he is much happier—me too, for that matter.

“Thalia.” I smile fondly. “She’s a cutie.”

Tags: A.R. Thomas Romance