Page 27 of Escape The Light

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He is persistent, demanding.

“Four years,” I tell him. Callan’s eyes snap to mine, shocked. I see it so clearly. His usual impassive face is fractured completely by my confession. He works his neck slowly.

“Good.” The bikini top is stripped away, and strong hands snap the bikini bottoms to relieve me of those, too. “Kick your shoes off.” I’m panting wildly as Callan hooks the towel undone, and I get an eyeful of him aroused. I kick my shoes away and run my hand over the back of my neck, waiting for his next move. When his hands latch onto my hips, I expect him to hoist me up his front, but he swings me over his shoulder, and his teeth sink into my ass.

“Shit!” I yelp. He licks the wound and laughs as I bob on his shoulder, my breasts squashed to his back.

“You need to relax, Zara, because I don’t plan on taking it slowly with you.” Air huffs out as he lowers me onto a bed-sized lounger overlooking the beach and ocean. “I hope here is good enough for you because I want all the natural light I can get.” He delivers the line roughly. I hum out my response, too wound up to really give him an answer.

“I sure hope you're more vocal than this. I’m starting to miss that smart mouth.” He grabs said mouth and drags his thumb over it, his black eyes taking in my rumbled state. I bite my lip, and his chuckle vibrates through my tummy. He has the sexiest laugh. With a flick, my hands are positioned above my head. My legs are bent and spread, and he leans back and feasts on my sex. “Prettiest damn pussy I’ve ever seen.” His raw words are sobering. My lids tighten. I can't watch him watching me. It’s too intimate. I’ve never bared myself to another human like I am now.

“I wonder if you feel as good as you look.” My thighs tighten, then tremble as his big hands glide up my shins and down to where my whole being is centred. I seem to have forgotten every other sensation, but what is about to happen right there. “Tell me, Miss Reid, how good does your pussy feel?” Thumbs run along either side of my sex, dipping into my wet lips, then massaging upwards again. My breath exits in a loud moan. “Feels that good, huh?”

I blink my eyes open, and Callan is staring so openly at me, right there. He really loves looking at me. His neck works, and his nostrils flare.

“Callan, please.” I don’t get what I want. He continues his lazy exploration, dipping enough to have me squirming for more, but not enough to give me the fullness I so desperately want. I arch my back for more, and he takes that moment to drive his tongue so deeply that I grab his hair on a short cry for support. Rough hands take mine and pin them by my bum pressed into the lounger. His wide shoulders are causing my legs to ache as he takes up the space he needs to access my sex. He moans and nips.

“Callan. God… I.” My teeth sink to my lip as he fucks me deeply with his mouth. His tongue traces along my lips, then he is dragging my clit through his teeth, and I splinter into a thousand pieces. I blink through the myriad of bright colours behind my lids to find him wiping his mouth with his hand, a hand that drops to my own mouth, as wet fingers slide across my lips and his nostrils flare.

“That’s the closest you'll get to my tongue, so enjoy.” Instinctively, I lick my lips and his chest hollows as I suck his fingers into my mouth. Oh god, this is nothing like my first encounter. Nothing. I didn't know it could be like this.

“Beautiful.” He grins, pulls his hand away on a pop, and his fingers slide down to my sex. He doesn’t tease or ease in. His fingers drive up, filling me, and I squirm on a high moan.

“Yes,” I cry out as he works his fingers in and out until I’m trembling and trying to reach for him. He wipes his hand all over my sex, so I’m damp with my own juices. His eyes are alight with dark satisfaction, and I know any minute now he is going to take me.

“I'm clean, and I know you are,” he growls.

“You do, how?” I squirm as his fingers curve in and out deliciously. I whimper and pump my hips.

“I checked your medical records. You're on the pill. I want skin on skin,” he says before dropping to give me one long lick there, causing me to thrash my head.

"Oh god." I should be bothered he has looked into my life as much as he has, but right now, with pleasure rolling through me, I don’t care.

His mouth disappears, and he is leaning over me.

“Grab your knees,” he growls, lining up. I do as I’m asked, and he slides deeply in one harsh thrust. Holy shit!

I whimper and sob, and he hangs his head low, his mouth agape as I lift to connect my mouth with his, and his hand grabs my throat.

“No,” he spits. “I don’t kiss. Remember that.” He draws back and hammers back in, once, twice, three times. My knees slip free, and he tsks me. “Knees,” he barks.

I hold them tight, and he ploughs back in. A deep ache rides through my stomach, and again, my knees slip free. I can’t hold them. I’m weak with need as he hooks my legs inside the crook of his elbows, positions his hands, and fucks me wildly out in the open. I'm gripping his wrists tightly to take the brunt of his weight when I spiral out into a climax that fractures my resolve. I scream, and he roars a curse out above before rolling us over in a sweaty mess.

Chapter Twelve

I sit up, pulling the blanket around me like a bath towel. When Callan returns, he has some shorts on, but the rest of him is on full display.

“Did I sleep long?”

“Twenty minutes at most.” He drops into a chair not too far away and stares leisurely across the space at me. So we're back to that.

“Where are my clothes?” They’re not where I dropped them, and even my shoes are missing.

“Clothes are an unnecessary item for this stay.” I thought this was a one-time thing. He’s had me—now it’s over.

I don’t want to come across as a sourpuss. Even though my mind is still shaken by my time here, my body is aching with the kind of satisfied pain I've never known.

“What are those, then?” I point to his shorts, and he grins at me. His focus is on me, but the expression on his face is an odd one. I stand with the intent to retrieve my clothes and leave as agreed, but catch him shaking his head and frowning out at the vast ocean. His chest pulls in a deep breath, his cheeks puffing as he blows a short sharp puff of air out,andhe drags his detailed hand down his perplexed face. Something is bothering him.

Tags: A.R. Thomas Romance