Page 15 of Escape The Light

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I get out and stand at the door.

“Callan?” His eyes lift slowly, but his mind is still lost in his phone. “Let’s just pretend we fucked, and I'll take the no seeing or hearing from now on.” Confusion registers on his face, but it’s quickly replaced by anger. “Take care,” I spit, shutting the door on his heavy scowl.

Chapter Seven

When I head back inside, Oscar is looking green around the gills.

“What the fuck just happened?” he whisper-shouts as the car speeds off with a squeal.

I shrug.

“I told him to politely fuck off.” I smile and lift my tonic water, taking a big sip.

When I look up, Oscar’s mouth is agape, and his own drink spills out unattractively down his chin. I pull a face, and he quickly mops it up.

“Fuck, Zara. This is Callan fucking Scott. He is like one of London's bigges—” He stops dead, catching himself.

“Biggest what? Twat? News flash, I already know.” The waitress arrives to clear the table, so we stay quiet, and Oscar drops his elbows on the table, his head in his hands, waiting for us to be alone once more.

“The guy has a gun. Aren't you a little bit worried that he might use it?” He looks up from his position of despair.

“If he wanted me dead, I'd be dead,” I say. I’ve stared death in the face, and I do not believe Callan is just biding his time before he pulls the plug. I don't think he wants to hurt me.

“There’s still time,” he mutters roughly.

“Gee, thanks!” I laugh loudly, drawing a few looks our way.

“You don’t tell Callan Scott shit. No one tells him shit. Callan tells you.” He points at me and leans back on a pained huff. “Do you think I want to be involved with him? I wasn’t there by choice, Zara,” he grates out, conveying his disbelief at my blasé attitude towards the big man.

“Why were you there then?” I snap, my eyes flashing angrily at him.

“I can't tell you,” he whispers regretfully as he pats the table dry, looking everywhere but at me.

“So now we're keeping secrets.” I ignore the big dirty secret I have been keeping from everyone when it flashes to the forefront of my mind, making me feel queasy.

“I’m keeping you safe,” he snaps, looking at me with as much hurt as I’m feeling at the wall he is holding up between us.

“I met the lunatic. I'd say we're past that now, Oscar.”

“Z, just be accommodating, and he'll back off.”

“He wants sex,” I mutter whilst he looks pained on the other side of the table. “What else did you think he wanted?” I voice my confusion.

“No, I gathered he was attracted to you,” he rubs his forehead and sighs, “but Callan doesn't do high risk—he goes for minimal fallout. You’re a well-known model, and he's explicitly private.” When his eyes hold mine, I know he is referring to me also. I’m just as closed off, and sometimes the media’s lies assist in allowing the real me to be shielded away. “He has the restraint of a nun. You’re everything he stays away from. I don't get it?” He swallows loudly, his mind frantically trying to fathom the inner workings of Callan Scott.

“I don’t think he does either,” I say honestly.

“How are you so calm?”

“Because you won’t tell me anything. He's just a man,” I say, just like I have done my entire adult life. Withthem, with myself, I have disassociated myself with the reality of the situation.

Oscar scoffs and throws a few notes on the table to pay.

“Yeah, well, it was ‘just a man’ that had you fleeing last time—only difference is, this one has a gun.” Oscar doesn't know the truth of it. He thinks I fled a bad relationship. He has no idea Callan isn't the first dangerous man I’ve crossed paths with.

Men, I think sourly. A gang. Most would have gone into hiding, and for a short while, I did, only it’s hard to hide in the shadows when they own them. When the opportunity rose to make a name for myself, I shunned it until I realised popularity was probably what I needed to keep myself safe. My issue now is that I’m too well known to ever walk away. I know when my time is up, it won’t be from natural causes. I won't slip away in my sleep. I know my death will be cruel. I just hope it’s quick.

I’m silent the whole way home. As soon as we pull up outside mine, I look to my friend.

Tags: A.R. Thomas Romance