Page 80 of The Agreement

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"Life’s a competition, then you die."

"Ah, the confidence of callow youth. If only you realized life’s a marathon, not a sprint." JJ says on a sigh, then adds, “And sometimes, it’s a relay race.”

"I’ll let you get on with the marathons and relay races. Give me hard and fast and on my own any day, except when it comes to sex, of course."

I prowl toward the exercise mat I used earlier, then throw myself down on my back. I stretch out my legs, and JJ holds my ankles. I begin my sit-ups, and his grip tightens to stabilize me.

"How’s Abby doing?"

I frown up at him, but don’t interrupt my rhythm. "What’s it to you?"

He laughs. "Simply being polite."

"Well don’t be," I snarl.

"You’re possessive about her; that’s good. You’re going to need all of that aggression to fight off the suitors."

"Suitors?" I pause half-way up my next sit-up. "What do you mean, suitors?"

"You do know she’s a mafia princess?"

"She’s disowned her parents."

"But have her parents disowned her?"

This time I straighten.

"What do you mean?"

"Her father is—"

"A prick," I snap.

"And one of the most powerful mafia lords in the world. She’s his only daughter. You think he’s going to give up the opportunity to make a match for her with a rival mafia clan? It’s the way this world works. Sons are heirs and daughters are collateral damage."

"I can’t claim to know the ins and outs of how a mafia lord thinks, although I’m assuming you know all about it, given your background."

"Pot, kettle, and all that?"

I narrow my gaze on him. "You have something to say, old man?"

His lips curve up in what’s supposed to be JJ fucking Kane’s version of an innocent smile. My arse. It’s like the smile of a shark while baring its teeth. "Just that you need to look after what’s yours better."

"The fuck you talking about?"

"If she were mine—" I lunge at him, but he evades me, and in a move that belies the fact he’s at least twenty years older, he grabs my wrist and twists. I find myself sprawled on my chest, with my arm doubled behind my back.

"Stop talking about her," I growl.

"This temper is bound to be your downfall, my boy."

"Keep talking and that’s not the only thing that’s going to be a downfall, my man."

He laughs. "Very good. A halfway decent rejoinder, too. Why don’t you rein in that superiority complex of yours and listen to what I have to say, hmm?"

I try to pull free, but asshole only tightens his grip. Pain shoots up my arm, and I pant. "The fuck you trying to tell me, grandpa?"

"None of your insults take away from the fact that I keep my girlfriend, who’s eleven years younger than you, by the way, very sexually satisfied."

Tags: L. Steele Romance