Page 44 of Stripe Left

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“A half million dollars.”

Her mouth popped open in surprise as soon as the words left his mouth. “You gave my parents five hundred thousand dollars to ensure that I’d marry you?” She was stunned, never expecting a figure that high or ridiculous.

“Well, I figured a lifetime of breeding several children and my pretty, little wife at home waiting on me hand and foot. It would have been worth every penny that I'd spent.”

Ugh! Now, she wished she'd never asked in the first place. Every word that came out of his mouth dropped her opinion of him lower and lower. He was at rock bottom when she walked through the door. Whatever came below rock bottom, like ten levels below rock bottom, was where Clinton currently resided in her mind.

“So, that's what you do, Dad? You sell women off to the highest bidder?” she asked.

“Please!” Her mother rolled her eyes. “You act like this hasn't been done since the beginning of time. How else do you expect us to live in such luxury when your father is a politician? It's not like a small-town mayor makes any real money. Only connections. Really, you can't be that dumb.”

Allie shook her head in disbelief. “I can't believe that you admit this so freely. Aren't you worried about your little secrets getting out?” she asked, truly stunned that her parents were this stupid. She found it quite funny that her mother accused her of being the dumb one.

“It's not like anyone's going to believe you, dear. We come from spectacular backgrounds, and your father is loved by everyone in town. No one would believe an angry trust-fund daughter if they thought daddy cut off her credit cards. They'd think you were nothing more than a spoiled little bitch looking for revenge, and we would happily agree with that story. Come to think of it, you would probably lose your job. Then what? You really think your firefighter can support you?”

“Ha! Trust-fund daughter. That's a good one. I've been supporting myself for years. Do you really think anybody will believe that bullshit? And as far as Marc goes, I already told you, I don't care how much money he has in the bank. What I care about is that he would never sell our daughter to some scumbag like Clinton.”

“The shifters will believe my word and your father's word over yours any day. Why should I worry about any nasty little rumors you try to spread?”

“Oh, I don't think I'll need to say anything. I think you're right, Mom. I think people will listen to your words.”

Just then, the front door crashed open. Two dozen state troopers filled the living room and kitchen, guns drawn and pointed at her parents.

“Don’t move! The three of you are under arrest for prostitution, human trafficking, and being shitty people in general.”

“I want our lawyer, now!” her dad shouted.

“Don’t worry, Mayor. The boys at the jail will make sure you get your call. In the meantime, you have the right to remain silent.”

Allie stepped aside as the police read her parents and Clinton their rights which they didn’t deserve after what they’d done. She didn't know if the charges would stick or if she would have to testify against them. Either way, once this hit the press, their little side gig would be put to a halt. And all those with whom her parents had done business would surely be outed as well. She had done what she could to make sure they were stopped, and that was all she could ask for.

Now, it was time for her to move on with the rest of her life.



“Idon’t know of any other couples who got to do the mating ritual twice.” Marc laughed.

“I've never heard of it happening, but who knows? We can't be the only ones.” Allie slid her hand down over the bulge in Marc’s jeans. His erection strained against the zipper.

“Who cares if we are? The only thing I care about right now is burying myself balls deep inside of you.” Marc nipped at her lips, his hand sliding under her skirt. He pushed her panties to the side and went straight for her sweet spot.

“What are you waiting for?” she asked in the sassiest tone she could muster.

“Is this what you want?” He slammed two fingers deep into her wetness and scissored them in and out.

“Yes! Yes! That's exactly what I want and more,” Allie cried out. She remembered everything about their mating ritual the second she had gotten her memories back. The fact that it had been broken by her parents and their witch still pissed her off. But that was a problem she and Marc were about to rectify.

Her parents may have tried to break them apart, and they might have succeeded if Marc had given up on her. But he hadn't, and she knew in her heart that he never would. That was exactly why doing the mating ritual was at the top of her To Do List.

“God, baby. You are so fucking hot and so damn wet for me. But you have entirely too many clothes on right now.”

“That's an easy fix.” She laughed and quickly pulled her dress over her head and tossed it onto the floor. She stepped out of her panties and quickly flicked the hook on her bra to ditch it. By the time she was done, Marc had also managed to make quick work of his clothes.

He had her on the bed and on her back in the blink of an eye. She giggled at his antics, but she didn't dare complain because it was exactly what she wanted.

“Ahh! That's so much better. You need to spend more time naked,” he said as he pushed her legs apart with his knees and slammed into her.

Tags: Milly Taiden Paranormal