Page 38 of Cruel Deception

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Her eyebrows press together. “What? Who?”

“No one you know,” I insist. “But I fucking lost my mind when I saw you wandering on your own. Unprotected.” She looks conflicted, not sure how to react. I release a tense breath. “What happened on that dance floor? When you came upstairs you were upset.”

She pulls back to look up at me, her eyebrows raised. “How do you know that? Were you watching me?”

“All fucking night, printsessa. Watching you shimmy and shake on the dance floor in that slinky dress… fuuuck.” I release a strangled groan. “I could spank you all over again… but I think you’d enjoy it too much.”

A sheepish expression creeps over her face, and I know I’m right. “I was trying to get Mikhail’s attention, but it was so wild down there.” My palms close into fists, but I try to keep my expression neutral. “I just wanted to get some air, but as I moved through the crowd, I bumped into someone… or maybe he bumped into me, I couldn’t tell. He wanted me to dance with him, but I refused. He was pushy and gave me the creeps. That’s why I hightailed it back upstairs alone. Finding Mikhail wasn’t my top priority.”

I catch my bottom lip between my teeth and resist the urge to punch the mirror. Barely. “Describe him.”

“I don't know.” She shudders at the memory, and I can tell it wasn’t a pleasant exchange. “He was a big guy, tall, kind of built. Bald. It was dark, but I think he had some tattoos on his neck.”

My ears instantly perk up at that detail. “Cartel tattoos?”

“I couldn’t tell, but why would that be an issue?” I don’t miss the way she twists her wedding ring in thought. Possession blooms in my chest. A reminder that she’s mine. Wearing my ring.

“It’s not. I’m going to sort this out,” I promise her. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect you from him,” I say. “I should never have allowed tonight to happen. It was so fucking stu—”

She cuts me off with a hand to my chest. “It’s fine. We’ve actually had a lot of fun.” She lifts onto her toes and, again, kisses me softly on the lips, letting me pull her close. God, what this woman does to me is fucking insane.

Ultimately, I know she’ll be my downfall, and I can’t find it in me to care.

“Let’s go home,” I tell her, knowing I need to feel her in my arms again tonight. “Together.” I stroke her face, her skin soft beneath my fingers. Something has shifted between us. Beyond the sex. I can’t fight my feelings for her anymore. She may have secrets, but that doesn’t mean she’s untrustworthy.

She looks up and gives me a nervous smile. “Okay.”

“Why don’t you say goodbye to the others. I have one thing to take care of.”

I lead her out of the bathroom and give her ass a final squeeze before heading in the direction of the champagne room.

* * *

“Get the fuck out of here.”My Glock is aimed straight at Jorge, even though I’m talking to everyone in the room. “All of you. Leave right the fuck now.”

There’s a tense silence for a moment. A few of Jorge’s guys look at him in question, reaching for their pistols—I’m just one guy, after all, and I didn’t come with backup—but Jorge angles his chin, a sign to stand down. He pushes away the girl on her knees in front of him, zipping his fly as he stands to face me. A shit-eating smirk plays on his lips, testing my patience to the limit.

When his dick is put away, he holds up his hands in faux surrender. “What’s the matter, Kozlov? We’re just minding our business down here, having some fun. I thought we were cool?”

I grind my teeth and consider blowing his dick straight off. As I take aim, I feel a hand on my shoulder. “Brat, ne delay etogo.” Leo’s voice of reason filters through the red that’s clouded my vision, warning me to hold back.“Poterpi. My skoro unichtozhim yego.”

Fuck patience. Leo wants to take the cautious route, but I’d rather take care of Jorge right here, right now. Man-to-man. I know the dance floor exchange wasn’t an accident. Jorge was behind it. I consider his presence tonight to be shots fired.

Jorge gestures for his entourage to wrap it up. “We’ll leave,parce. I know when I’m not wanted.” His eyes meet mine, and he laughs, dark and cruel. It makes my stomach clench.

I lower my gun but continue to shoot daggers his way. “Why are you here? You weren’t invited in the first place.”

“Do I need an invitation to enjoy the finest club Brooklyn has to offer?” As his entourage filters out the door, I don’t move a muscle, forcing them to squeeze around Leo and myself. Jorge and his enforcer, Rio, remain the last two in the room. “Since you’ve never offered to play host while we’re in New York, we’ve had to make our own fun.”

“Yeah.” I take a step closer to him, rising to my full height. Jorge is no pip-squeak, but I’m even bigger. “Tell me why you think it’s fun to provoke me. To come into my club when you know my wife will be here… You’re digging your own grave.”

His eyes go wide with false innocence. “Bianca? I don’t know what you’re talking about. Haven't seen her all night.”

My fist connects with his jaw with a sickening crack, knocking him on his ass. Rio reaches for his gun, but Leo is one step ahead, a pistol already trained on him. “Don’t do it” is all my brother has to say before Rio freezes, moving his hand away from his holster.

“You so much as look at my wife ever again, and I will personally see to your torture.”

Jorge is back on his feet in an instant and lunges for me, but this time Leo steps in between us. “Leave now,” he grits out, fury evident in his expression. “Before I put a bullet through your brain.”

Tags: Monica Kayne Romance