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“No ice cream, but I thought we could order some pizza.”

Henry’s eyes light up. “Pizza!” he yells, then runs around the living room in circles like a wild child.

“I take it he likes pizza?” Axel asks, clearly amused.

“You could say that. We don’t order takeout often.”

“Good, then this will be a treat.”

“He’s going to think he's getting something special every time you’re around. First ice cream and now pizza,” I say, trying to put disapproval in my tone.

“Gotta get the kid on my side somehow,” he teases.

Axel orders pizza while I change into something more appropriate for a night at home. He gives me a heated look when I walk out of my bedroom in skinny jeans and a tank top. The promise in his eyes speaks of naughty things to come, and I’m totally there for it.

Henry pulls Axel into his bedroom to show him all of his trains. To his credit, Axel sits on the floor and patiently listens as Henry tells him all the names of his favorite trains, then shows him how they work on the track. My heart clenches at seeing my son and him together. And when Axel starts playing with him… my ovaries explode a little.

The pizza arrives, and I pull my guys away from their game. Crap, did I just think of Axel as my guy? Yes, I did.

We eat dinner at the kitchen table, and again, my heart clenches. Everything is going so well that I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. Waiting for Henry to freak out or for Axel to realize how much work goes into having a kid around and bolt… but it doesn’t happen.

After dinner, I give Henry his bath and get ready to tuck him in. When he picks his two favorite books and runs to the other room to hand them to Axel my heart once again clenches in my chest. Axel carries my son into his room and tucks him into bed, then proceeds to read him his books, making all the appropriate voices as he does. It’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

Henry falls asleep, and we tiptoe out of his room, quietly closing the door. As soon as the door is shut, Axel has me pinned to the wall. His lips find mine, and I let out a little whimpering sound.

“Shh… babygirl. Don’t want to wake Henry,” he growls lowly into my ear. He sucks the lobe between his teeth and gives it a little nip. Goosebumps pebble on my skin when he licks the sting away.

I cling to his shoulders as he kisses up and down my neck. I’m a panting mess by the time his lips crash down onto mine again. He cups my breast over my shirt and rubs his thumb over my hardened nipple. I arch into his touch, craving more. I thread my fingers through his hair, kissing him frantically.

“Bedroom?” he growls against my lips.

My lust-filled brain has a moment of hesitation over inviting him to my bed. This was only supposed to be a date to see if we were compatible. We already know we catch fire when we are together physically. He tweaks my nipple and kisses my neck. I don’t know if it’s a good choice or not, but I want him, and this time I’m not going to deny myself.

Before I can talk myself out of it, I grab his hand and drag him to my bedroom.

“Strip, babygirl.”

My pussy practically drips at the command in his voice. I obey without hesitation. I pull my shirt off, then wiggle my tight pants off. I stand in front of him in nothing but a bright red bra and panties.

“Fuck. Look at you.” I shift on my feet, feeling a little self-conscious at his blatant appreciation of my body. “Don’t get shy on me now. Lose the bra and panties.”

“What about you?”

He reaches for the buttons on his shirt and undoes them. His shirt falls to the floor, and he quickly shucks his pants leaving him in nothing but his tight black boxers. I reach behind my back and unclasp my bra. My panties are the next to go, then I’m standing naked in front of the sexiest man I’ve ever seen.

My breath catches when he picks me up and tosses me on the bed. I bite back my squeal of surprise, not wanting to wake Henry. Axel crawls over me and takes one nipple into his mouth, biting down lightly. I squirm under him as he tortures my nipple with his teeth. When he sucks the tender bud, laving it with his tongue, I moan louder than I should.

“Better be quiet, babygirl,” Axel says, amused.

I nod my head quickly. “Quiet.”

He goes back to teasing my nipples. I chew my bottom lip, biting back all the sounds I desperately want to make. I squirm under Axel when he starts kissing his way down my stomach. He licks my belly button, and I giggle at the ticklish sensation. My giggles are broken by a quiet moan as he spreads my legs wider and takes his first lick of my pussy.

“Oh God,” I gasp.

“Quiet.” He reminds me, then goes about eating my pussy like it’s his full-time job.

I cover my mouth with my hand when it becomes obvious that I cannot hold back my moans of pleasure. Especially not when he sucks my clit and thrusts two fingers deep inside me. Quicker than ever before, I’m riding the very edge of orgasm. Just before I tip over that edge, I remember rule number two.

Tags: Rory Reynolds Romance